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I started my day just like any other day. I got out of bed, had breakfast, and everything seemed normal. However, this normalcy made me feel suspicious about what was to come. I could not help but overthink while having breakfast. Let me introduce myself, I am Olivia. I work in New York, I am 24 years old, and I have a brother named Jason and a sister called Emily. Oh no, I hear my alarm ringing. I need to get ready for work or I will be late.

Earlier, when I arrived at the office, I encountered some problems. Firstly, I was late as usual, and secondly, I have a lot of work to do today. It seems like every day there is something new happening. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I am a journalist. I love my job, but at the same time, also, I would not say I like it.

My boss Jack is attractive but can be difficult to deal with. He treats every employee at the office poorly, making me question why I even became a journalist. If I wanted to be treated this way, I could have taken a better corporate job. However, I am determined to save up enough money to start my own business where journalists are respected.

Later that day, I finished all my work today, but it was a tough day and I was exhausted. When I attempted to leave, I remembered that my car had broken down the day before and was in the shop. It was already 1 am, and I was not sure where I could find a cab at that time. I may have to call my brother to come and pick me up.

As soon as I called him and started speaking, I heard a girl's voice behind me. I knew I might end up walking home today.

He says, "Hey Liviee before you say something, I must tell you that I am a bit busy right now. So, speak fast."

"Yes, I heard her, who is she? your new girlfriend? why didn't you tell me about her sooner?" I replied

"I don't remember mentioning but I am a bit busy so call you later," he says

"Please wait" I replied in anger

"What now speak fast I have work I need to finish," he says and I heard her laughing at the back which made me feel wired

"OK, my car broke down yesterday and I am near the office I was searching for a cab but I don't think I can find one at the moment so could you please get me picked" I replied being angrier than I was before

"Okay, wait there don't go anywhere I will just send someone" he replied

He hung up on me during our call, leaving me with so many unanswered questions. Who was she? Was she a new girl? But I was too exhausted to even think anymore. I was overcome with sleepiness, so I just stood there in one position, waiting for someone to come and take me home.

"I've been waiting for a while now and to be honest, I'm getting a bit scared. It is dark all around and there is no one else here. Maybe I should call my brother again to check if anyone is coming. As soon as I unlocked my phone, a bright light from a car almost blinded me. When I looked up, I saw that it was a Chevrolet Corvette."

As soon as I saw a Chevrolet Corvette, I got confused why was he here? He has never been polite enough to help and I mean we hate each other why is he here?

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