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Seungmin enjoys school a lot!

He likes learning and playing with his friends during recess and lunch. He loves learning new things and they even let him give Dinosaur facts during breakfast time! His class is very nice and fun and he's has loads of fun! He takes off his Dino shoes and lays them in his very own cubby, and then he sets his backpack on the hook in the back. He likes his cubby a lot, it has lots of space and it's very tidy.

He makes his way back to the big carpet so that they can do some morning time and then some school work. Screw it being the first day, Seungmin wants to learn some stuff!! He had told Minho Hyung all about it on his way over here to the school!! He sits down cross legged on the floor, and lets out an oomf at the sudden weight on his back. Someone bothering him first thing in the morning? That could only mean one thing.

"Yah!! Get offa me Yennie! You're heavy, you know!"

Said Fox-like boy snickers and presses down even more, just to annoy his best friend in the whole wide world. They've been friends since they were three, so they have essentially grown up together. They consider each other brothers. Seungmin considered Jeongin annoying but cute, Jeongin thinks that Seungmin is a dummy that Jeongin likes to hang out with. They both like legos and animals.

Truly a match made in heaven.

"I'm not that heavy, pabo!"

"Yes you are dummy! Offa me before I flip you off of me!"

It wouldn't be the first time the boys would be together in a play fight, it was one of their favorite games, and they always took a really good nap together afterwards. They have both gotten scolded for horse playing so early in the morning, but it was part of who they were at this point, it simply couldn't be helped. With that being said, Seungmin reaches up with small fingers and clutches Jeongin's blazer.

He pulls with all of his might, and Jeongin comes tumbling down with a yelp. Seungmin catches him so that he doesn't get hurt, of course, Innie is his bestest friend and he doesn't want him to Actually get hurt. Innie goes down with an oof, and the two share a challenging look before rolling around the carpet. Seungmin laughs and Jeongin giggles throughout the whole thing, because it's fun and they know they look silly. They don't really care, they just like playing.

Jeongin shrieks out a shrill laugh when Seungmin starts to tickle him. Seungmin grins in victory.


Seungmin laughs as Jeongin uses his Pikachu themed socks to push him away. Jeongin pinches his cheeks and pulls, making Seungmins mouth look like a USB charge port. Seungmin pulls on Jeongin's front hairs. Jeongin is seated on one of Seungmins thighs, while Seungmin has one his legs resting on Jeongin's. They're both laughing like idiots. The two ten year olds have loads of fun together.

"Yah, Seungminnie and Jeonginnie! Settle down! It's morning time, you rascals."

Jeongin let's go with one more push, and Seungmin giggles as he shoves Jeongin off of him. They sit side by side, feeling light and giggly so early in the morning. They bow to their poor teacher in apology. She's a younger woman with long, pretty, brown hair. Seungmin thinks she is very pretty, and that it's crazy that she's not married yet. She is a very pretty woman in Seungmins opinion. She takes care of him well at school.

"Sorry Miss Hwa, we will calm down now!"

"Yeah, sorry Miss Hwa!"

She shakes her head fondly, and Seungmin smiles sheepishly. He wonders if Hyunjin is having as much fun as he is, or if Minho hyung is having fun too. He's certainly having a lot of fun with Innie, and he knows that the dummy in question has fun with everything he does. He looks at Jeongin, and that stupid loser looks at him and sticks out his tongue, his eyes squinting at the action.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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