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She stood up.

The women in front of me was absolutely stunning, Her pale skin, her red lips, blue curly hair...I looked more closely. Juvia...it was her.

"Are you Miss: Ju.Juvia Lo.."

"I'm Juvia Lockser" she answered as she made her way over to the table

"Why are you using formalities? We are going to be husband and wife soon, there is no point in using them."

This women. she gets to the point. "I'm not at all interested in marrying you"

" Oh really! I don't think your interest matters. Our family has arranged this marriage, none of our interests are going to be taken into consideration."

What is it with her? She is not clingy like the others.

"It looks like you clearly understand that there is not going to be any love between us."

"I do. I understand." She replied

"Aren't you not going to fight to stop this marriage." Please please. Just cancel this wedding.

" Why are you asking me that, aren't you not going to fight to stop this marriage. You're asking me to fight because you want me to break this marriage." She said. Crap! She read through me.

"It looks like you understand about what I am talking about, it takes quite a long time for other girls I met previously to understand the meaning"

Juvia Lockser! I'll make sure that you will stop this marriage.


"I will take that as a compliment"  It was funny to watch him get irritated.

The waiter made her way to our table "Would you like to order something?" She asked

" I will take a chocolate milkshake. Are you going to order something?" I asked Gray and waited for his reply.

" I will take what she took." He told the waitress. I saw the smirk that appeared on his mischievous face.

"Is that all?." The waitress asked.

" Yes." I replied. She took her leave.

"It's my first time meeting someone who is willing to go through with this marriage, Don't you think a marriage life without love is sad?." Gray asked. I hated the way he looked at me, as if I was lower than him.

"There is nothing I can do about it." No matter what I have to go through with this marriage.

The waiter came back with our drinks. "Here you go!." She said as she placed them on our table, reverting her attention back to Gray.

"Excuse me, are you not going to leave?." I asked. She pissed me of.

"Juvia, why are you being like that, let her hang out with us." He enjoyed the humiliation that was plastered on my face.

Gray stood up and caressed her face.
I felt like I am some kind of statue forced to see this as he put his hand on her shoulder. She looked at me as if I am some sort of leftover. I bet she is enjoying this.

I knew he was trying to do this to break the engagement. I stood up, and walked towards him.

"Don't expect me to break this marriage, I won't fall for any of your tricks, Gray " I whispered. He suddenly flinched.

~ Gray~
What is it with her, how could she say that? It took me a moment to process what had just happened. Her freaking nerve! She dare show me my place.  She had paid and left the hotel.

Great, I made her pay for my first date.

I catched up to her" where are you going?" I asked

"To your car." she responded.

"Excuse me ? " The hell. Why was she taking the damn lead?

"I was said to stay with you till 12:00 am"

She was very beautiful, but her eyes were empty... they were no emotions on her face

She took her jacket off, which revealed a dark blue full sleeved dress that was up to her knees. It surprised me that she didn't wear any slutty clothes.

"Which one is your car?" she asked, as I pointed to my Ferrari.

"Aren't you not going to get in?" She must have thought I would open the door for her. She took a seat.
Does she have no feelings? She is like a robot.

Shit she saw me staring at her and I averted my gaze.

"Do you need something?" She asked.

"It looked like your waiting for me to open the door. You were also staring at me for a while. It looked like you were admiring me." I said with a hint of pride

" No...I didn't think you would open the door for me and I wasn't admiring you, I was admiring your car" she answered.

Who the hell does she think she is? She is really getting on my nerves.

"Put your damn seatbelt on." I muttered.
"Ah...I am sorry "

"What are you doing? Put the seatbelt on!" She still hadn't put the belt on.

"Um...could you take the seatbelt for me. I injured my arm a little." She asked.

I saw her struggling with the belt."Yeah" I leaned over towards her, and she looked away so that we won't make eye contact.

I knew my presence made her unhappy and frustrated, but I was happy that I had some sort of effect on her.  "Thank You " She whispered, her voice was barely audible

"Leave it! Do you have anywhere you want to go?" I sighed

"No" she replied

"Well then! we are going to a nightclub then"

"Ni.g..ht club." She stuttered. Her expression was priceless.

When did I become such a cruel person? She was hurt. I saw the hurt in her eyes.
"We are not getting married because of love. We are getting married because we want to make our companies better. Does it matter where we go? You go meet some guys, I won't tell anyone. Don't worry! Its not like we are going to fall in love or anything. Go meet a guy there, and leave me alone, I want to spend time with my women" Why did it ache me to see her like that?

I felt as if I was doing something terrible to her.

"Mind your words, if you're seeing someone. Keep it to yourself, I don't need to know." She harshly said with a huff,

"Hmmmm...didn't you say earlier we are going to be husband and wife. Husbands and wife never hide secrets." She was quiet, I could see anger fuming in her. "Well then lets go! I hope you meet a man who you will love."

Her silence irritated the hell out of me.

She made me so frustrated that I just wanted to force myself on her and teach her a lesson. Women would usually beg to spend time with me, and yet this pesky women in front of me made me feel restless.

Argh it's going to be a long night ahead

(Thx guys for reading... Comment and rate....tell me what you think.... and sorry for the grammar mistakes........and once again thx for reading) 😍😍😍😍😍😋😇

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