VeeOneEye (Jason) 1

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Imagine you're sitting on a ledge after having hiked up a mountain in Arizona with Jason. You're exhausted and decide you need to sit down for a few minutes.

Of course that plan doesn't last too long as the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Jason is calling your name from not too far away. With a groan you get up from your spot on a particularly dangerous ledge. You're not sure why you picked that spot but oh well.

Jason calls your name again. "You have to come see this!"

After a moment of confusion you find Jason off of the hiking trail in a wooded area seated in a tree. The branch he sits on dangles low right above a small river. The sight is truly beautiful. You quickly find your way up into the tree and get comfortable not far from Jason. After a few moments of silence to take in the beauty you speak up. "Let's camp here for tonight."

After pitching the tent you find yourself sitting in the river, cooling off and letting your body rest from the days journey. You hear Jason enter the water and sit next to you. He puts his arm around your shoulder.

You wanted to live this moment forever. Maybe it wasn't the most intimate of moments, but it was certainly one of the most meaningful.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

AN: I hope you like this thing cos it was fun to write. If you have any prompts or requests for these leave them in the comments and I'll definitely read them! I love ideas! Next chapter will probably be MDE related.

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