Chapter 1

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It was just another day at Advanced Nurturing High School for Class D. The students had successfully navigated yet another challenging test, inching their way closer to the top of the school's hierarchy. As their homeroom teacher, Chabashira Sae, stepped into the classroom to announce their results, the class braced themselves for her customary lack of enthusiasm. Her expression remained as impassive as ever, offering little acknowledgment of their hard-earned victory.

"Your scores have improved," Chabashira stated bluntly, her voice devoid of warmth or praise. "Continue this trajectory if you wish to succeed." Recently, she had been in quite the bad mood. And although the victory of her class had cheered her up quite a little bit, it still wasn't enough.

The students exchanged glances, accustomed to her indifferent demeanor. However, there was an undeniable tension in the air, a growing unease that hadn't been there before. Chabashira had always been strict and aloof, but lately, her coldness had deepened, leaving an unsettling atmosphere in her wake.

After delivering any and all necessary announcements, Chabashira exited the classroom with her usual curt efficiency, leaving behind a palpable sense of unease among the students of her class.

"Um, is it just me, or has Sensei been a lot more...colder lately?" Ike asked nervously, breaking the silence. His question resonated with the rest of the class, many nodding in agreement.

"Yeah," replied another female student. "She was always strict, but now she seems almost...robotic, if you know what I mean." She chuckled nervously. "It's like she's an A.I or something."

Their observations were accurate. Chabashira's demeanor had become more mechanical, her presence more intimidatinglately. Her eyes seemed devoid of any emotion, making her appear more like a hollow shell than a human being.

The students have come to realize that they knew next to nothing about their own homeroom teacher and begun discussing and speculating amongst each other to figure out why she became the way that she is.

"I mean, do any of us actually know anything about her?" Hirata asked thoughtfully, his brow furrowed. "I mean, beyond her being our homeroom teacher?" The classroom fell silent as the students pondered Hirata's question.

"She must have a reason for being like this," Sato mused, her voice soft but curious. "People don't just become that cold without a cause or reason, right?"

Speculation buzzed around the room as the students exchanged theories. Some suggested personal tragedy, others a betrayal, but no one had any concrete evidence as it was all guesswork.

Suddenly, it was Sudo, of all people, who told his class to be quiet. "Everyone, be quiet!" His voice cut through the chatter, surprising his classmates. "What if she hears what we're saying? I don't know about you guys, but I really don't want to make her more in a bad mood than she already is."

The room fell into an uneasy silence. Sudo's warning resonated with them. The idea of Chabashira overhearing their speculations and becoming even colder was a chilling thought. "He's right," Hirata said, nodding. "Let's not push our luck. We don't want to give her any more reasons to be strict with us, yeah?"

As the students quieted down, their curiosity remained, now tinged with a sense of caution. They knew they had to tread carefully, but the mystery of their teacher's past lingered in their minds, wondering how she came to be the person she is.


As the bell rang, signaling the end of the first period, Chabashira Sae gathered her materials and prepared for her next class. Period 2 was different. This wasn't just any class she was about to teach; this class was...special. Once.

COTE: The Fallen Student. (OC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now