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                            •Elysian Monroe

2 weeks later

I lowly sighed as I looked at the time. It was only noon. I've been here since 8am, with barely any sleep. I took my eyes off the time and returned my attention back to my emails.

As I scrolled through them, I heard my phone ding. I quickly assumed who it was and grabbed my phone without a second thought. As I read the text, I sighed in annoyance at the fact that it was just Eil asking for money.

I scrolled through our messages to check when the last time she asked was and with a sigh of defeat, I sent her the amount she asked for. She knew the key to getting it was to space her timing out.

Before I could put my phone down, another text came through. I read the message and a smile grew on my face. She was telling me that she had just woken up.

I hearted her message and before I could respond I heard a knock on my door. I quickly responded to her message and told her that a client just got here.

I placed my phone down and acknowledged the knock. When the culprit of the knock walked in, the smile that was on my face, faded slightly.

"Oh my goodness, Ms.Carlton. I haven't seen you in ages, how's the baby?" I greeted her

"I know but, here I am now girl. He, is doing great. Unlike his father." She responded

She closed the door behind her and sat down in front of me. She sighed and looked up at me. I watched as she had crossed her legs and shifted her body weight. I narrowed my eyes lightly at her words and waited for her to continue

"He won't interact with him. When I say that I mean; he won't feed the baby, he won't change the baby, he won't even pick the baby up when he cries!" She blew out

"Has he mentioned any trauma during his boy hood that could be causing this reaction towards the child?" I asked

Her eyes trailed down, probably to think of an answer. If she has to think this hard, it's more than likely he didn't tell her anything. After a few more seconds, her eyes met mine again

"No, he didn't." She sighed

"Was he distant during the pregnancy or did this behavior happen suddenly?" I questioned

"It happened as soon as we took the baby home. When we were at the hospital, he held him. He even sang to him. I don't know what happened Ms.Monroe." She whined

I held the urge to make a face at the whine in her tone, it was pitchy and rather painful to hear. Instead, I lowly hummed.

"How long has it been since the child has been home?" I asked

"He's been home for almost a month, I honestly do not know what to do about this." She expressed

"Have you spoken to him about this at all?" I questioned

She lowly sighed and shook her head. I folded my arm over the other on my desk to maintain composure. I couldn't go around telling all of my clients that I would prefer they use their words, they'll think I'm some kinda sex fanatic or something.

Plus, some get too emotional to the point that words can't be spoken. I kept the sigh that threatened to spill at bay and returned my focus on her.

"Then that, will be your first step. Talk to him, try to get him to tell you what the problem is." I instructed

She nodded her head and then stood. She walked towards the door and I was a bit surprised, I thought she would have more to say. I guess that was her only problem. I guess most people's first thought isn't to talk things out.

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