bonus 03 • making babies

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Swallowing a groggy sigh, I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. Drowsy sleep clings to my eyes as Dan McKinney's loquacious chatter on solutions regarding last quarter's significant financial drop proceeds monotonously.

The conference room is fighting the same sleep as mine. All except for my brother. He is punching away at his phone, sneakily looking at something on the screen that makes him smirk every two minutes.

My guess would be he is flirting with his newfound obsession—his girlfriend.

"Like I was suggesting before..." Dan waves his hand over the huge screen onto which is projected a series of graphs. "We can still fix the budget out here if we work with cutting corners."

I force myself to blink past the fog of sleep, alerted by what he just said.

"What did you say?" I demand, sitting up straighter from my lounging position in the chair.

Dan's words falter as he catches my gaze. "Sir, I only meant it for the good. We could just reduce our expenses if we used cheaper products. The other companies do that. No one would know."

"You want me to permit the use of cheaper products with which we build dream homes for our clients?"

"Sir, I'm sorry if I offend—"

"You did offend me, Mr. Mckinney," I correct him with my jaw set. "Sit down. I don't wish to hear any more of your nonsensical suggestions. Our company doesn't stand for fraud."

Dan's face goes ashen. He nods and settles himself beside my glaring brother who has finally lifted his attention from his phone. If I am pissed, Reece is fighting an internal battle to knock Dan out. As our lead architect, Reece knows the work that actually goes into the projects we undertake. That is the only reason he dragged his healing ass up here today because resting his broken leg at home was getting boring.

"Anyone else have any more ideas?" I ask the rest of the room, fleeting my eyes over each of the nervous faces.

Before they can answer, my phone on the desk pings with a message. I get distracted easily by the name that flashes on top—a name that can steal my time anyway.

I swipe the phone, leaning back as a hum of discussion between the men sitting fades into the background.

Wife: I need to talk to you.

I quickly type a reply back, albeit reluctantly.

Me: What is it?

The three dots on the screen signal her typing as soon as I hit send.

Wife: Come home

Me: I have another meeting with investors at 10

Wife: Ask someone else to handle it

Me: I can't, honey. They are important clients. We need to beg the deal.

Wife: It's 7 pm, Ryan. You can leave.

Me: I'm sorry, baby. I'll make it up to you.

Can you please tell me what happened? Is it something concerning?

Wife: Not really. You really can't come?

Me: Not anytime soon.

A long silence follows with no reply following. My chest fills with a dull sorrow at having rejected Lizzie's request. I have every mind to go to her but right now, my job needs me. I can't be an asshole.

I blink as I soak in the murmur of voices, trying to pay attention to the words the employees are discussing but I fail to grasp anything. I can only picture the expression Lizzie must have on her face right now after my refusal. I hate disappointing her.

"Mr. Pierce," Mr. Khan starts. "We were thinking of—"

The rest of the words are cut off by another ping.

"Excuse me," I mutter to the crowd as I swirl around my chair, facing my back to the employees.

This time Lizzie's message comes with an attachment.

Wife: You can't come even for this?


I click the image, losing sense of my surroundings as it fills the screen.

It is a scandalous picture of my wife. Taken from an angle from above in selfie mode, she is wearing skimpy lingerie with a bright pink bra, a lacy crotchless panty displaying her sweet spot between her legs teasingly, and black stockings with garter belts around her soft, round thighs which have grown rounder since Josie's birth.

Faded marks from my teeth litter the skin of her exposed throat the last time we had sex but it is the stretch marks adorning the bottom of her belly that hit me with feral arousal.

Blood rushes to my cock within seconds, expanding the mass beneath my pants. My fingers type urgently.

Me: You'll kill me, woman.

I'm coming.

I just hope it's not literal because my cock seems to have a mind of its own and it's weeping.

I stand up with a jerk, turning to the men. They are all looking at me with curiosity.

"I have to go home," I tell them, my voice already strained as visions of Lizzie spread out on our bed in that outfit catch me a prisoner. "Reece will take it over from here."

Reece snaps a pair of cold blue eyes on me, clearly unhappy with my decision. He can be as pissed as he wants to be.

"But Mr. Pierce," Mr. Khan attempts to interrupt but I am already picking up my suit and walking at a brisk speed towards the door.

"I'll have the reports on my desk by nine sharp tomorrow. Keep in mind," I announce before stepping out, leaving the door to shut behind me.


...end of preview...

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