[taste of freedom i]

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Knowledge was the sole reason of human existence

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Knowledge was the sole reason of human existence. In their incomplete life humans could only use their senses and reason in order to explore their own world.

That was the awareness that the most dedicated students of the Akademiya carried with them: knowing that their world was nothing more than a gift. Everything that was studied by the Darshans was just an attempt to understand the complex undeserved gift of the Creator. Amurata studied the gift of life, Haravat and Kshahrewar the gift of reason, Spantamad the wisdom They left behind and Vahumana the civilities that saw them.

As for Rtawahist, their field of study was the Creator's first gift and creation: the starry vault.

Such was Ashk's belief, the Creator's essence was written in the cosmos and recently Mondstadt's sky had been acting oddly. And among the knights' requests and those of the Akademiya, a small group of scholars was sent in a foreign nation for the sake of research and could be seen scurrying near their camps where the sky was not contaminated by city lights.

Ashk let out a depressed sigh. Telescopes astrolabes, sky maps... All of these instruments seemed to have lost for the first time every type of validity, becoming as useful as a Pyro abyss Mage's shield under the rain. Ashk murmured those words in frustration as he held his head on his hands while looking at the sky maps in despair.

Unable to make any progress this night either, he got up and went into the forest. Grabbing a bag and throwing in it the necessary items for a sudden observation and some weapons and a lantern as well, he headed in the forest for a stroll.

Ashk hissed, mumbling something about his job as he was trapped in a storm of thoughts. However with mind blinded, his senses failed to register where his steps had led him.

Silencing his emotions, the researcher attempted to return to the camp trying to ignore his heart pounding. The sky was dark, with the moon enveloped in a thick drape of clouds.Tightening his grip around the lantern, he attempted  to recall his studies and some drunken adventures' reminiscences  of pasts deeds from days of vigor.

He didn't know how long he'd been trapped inside the forest, being Ashk's mind too engrossed trying to  decide on what to do.

A breath of wind shook the  trees branches as the forest turned red. "N... It's not possible," he heard his voice tremble as he watched the sky in terror. "We were wrong..."

In the sky above,,the scarlet moon laughed, pleased by its siblings' stupidity. Fools, it seemed to say cruelly. You've been fools.

After hearing those words, his body was no longer his.


in a far away place, a voice wept in sorrow. A familiar yet unfamiliar figure cried hunched over themselves, their tears seeming to never cease flowing.

She came closer to them, feeling her heart suffering from the same desolation as theirs as she prepared to offer them words of comfort. 

As she approached them, the sobs became clearer.

"...e...me. why can't you...?"

They moved their gaze towards her, a pathos of emotions swimming in their tearful eyes as the dream shattered.

Jolting awake from a fleeting dream, Jean awakened from her slumber and found herself with her head nestled in her arms, using them as a pillow. Massaging her temples in an attempt of chasing the drowsiness away and ignore the unreassuring amount of paperwork that towered on her desk, she recalled the dream she had.

Since this seeds of lunacy— the falling stars— had been planted, she had found herself trapped in those recurring dreams. Someone  begging for something, scenes related to the firmament, her own mind becoming limp and her body being controlled by something. Such scenes were nothing but a prove of the madness caused by the stars.

Pushing her throughs away she directed her gaze to the presence she felt quietly entering the room.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Wearing that foxish smile of hers the librarian tapped on the doorframe, producing a soft sound. "You're awake" she spoke while walking towards her.

Perhaps it was from Jean's experience from dealing with all kinds of people or maybe the intimacy she shared with Lisa, yet she could sense from a kilometre the scolding she was about to receive. 

And the scolding arrived as she predicted without any delay. Hence, this is how the acting grand master ended up locked out of her own office.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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