𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭 ♡✮Chapter 2

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Time skip/forward!! (After lunch at the cafe)

Jisung: "woaaa..that food was good!"
Hyunjin: "Sure was!"
Felix: "well..what do u guys want to do noww?"
Felix said as he felt bored after eating and wanted to do something.

Jisung: "what about we go to the concert from 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬?"
Hyunjin: "the kpop group?.."
Felix: "yeah jisung's obsessed with that boy group."
Jisung: "I wouldn't say I'm obsessed!!!??" Jisung whined and complained.
Felix: "yeah, yeah what ever u say" Felix said sarcastically.
Hyunjin: "I'm down I haven't heard about that kpop group so it's worth a try."

Jisung smiled since hyunjin agreed, meaning Felix has to agree too or else he'll be alone.

Jisung: "yay! Thank you hyung!"
Felix: "aishh.."

Time skip/forward!!! <3 (arrived at the 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 concert)

Jisung: "good thing it hasn't started yet!"
Hyunjin: "if I'm being honest I'm kinda excited.
Jisung: "see Felix u should be more like Hyunjin."
Jisung smirked,while Felix rolled his eyes sarcastically.

Hyunjin: "is that them?"
As the 3 handsome boys walked at stage jeongin,seungmin, and Minho
Jisung: "Yes! Yess! Thats them!"
Felix: "their not even that handsome I look better"
Hyunjin: "I doubt it" hyunjin said as a joke.
Jisung chuckled,Felix lightly pushed hyunjin.

hyunjin: "oh it's starting"
Jisung: "okay,okay now shushh."
Hyunjin rolled his eyes at what jisung said

Time skip/forward!! (After the concert)

The 3 friends didn't notice that they were walking back stage.

Jisung: "they were so cool!!"
Felix: "to be honest I guess their alright."
Hyunjin: "now look who's changing." As he chuckled.

Jisung suddenly bumps into someone as they were walking while talking.
Jisung: "Oh I'm  sorr-"
Jisung looked up to see who he bumped into,but he was left to be shocked.
Jeongin: "it's alright no worries"
Jisung's jaw was on the floor until Felix closed his mouth.
Minho: "why are u 3 back stage? This is a private area?"
Minho asked since they were back stage.
Hyunjin: "oh we're so sorry we didn't realize."
Jeongin: "dont be so harsh Minho hyung,they didn't do anything wron-"
Minho: "you in the middle what's ur name?"
Minho cut off jeongin to talk to the pretty boy.
Since jisung was still so shocked that he met them,so hyunjin answered for jisung.
Hyunjin: "han, han jisung that's his name."
Minho: "what's his number? Tell him I would like to have it."

Hyunjin didn't want to give Minho jisung's number since it's a random famous person.
Hyunjin: "that's his personal information I don't know if I can give it to you."
Minho: "why? Who are you his boyfriend?"
Hyunjin upset since he just wanted to protect jisung not get into an argument with lee minho,so he gave jisung's number.

Hyunjin sighed then gave Minho jisung's number because he didn't want to cause any problems.

Hyunjin: "fine..it's 08_________"
Minho: ""thanks I guess tell him I'll call him."

Time skip/forward!!! (They left the concert)

To be continued!!

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