Chapter 0

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"You asked to see me, father?" I ask as sweetly and politely as I could, my head still turned down to the floor as I curtsy out of respect.

"You may rise." The King's voice was gruff and a void of emotion, as Lilith stands, a small smile on her face upon the fact for the first time in her life her father has called upon her first.

"If you don't mind me asking, father, but why have you called upon me?" Lilith asked perplexed. While she was very happy her father had seeming to be giving her some sort of attention she was  rather suspicious as to why seeing never in any of her lifetime has he ever done this thing before.

Lilith watched, sill rather confused as the King nodded his head toward his aid, who in return bowed and order the guards to open the grand doors into the throne room. And there, just beyond the doors, stood a girl, similar age to Lilith, with beautiful blond curly hair and bright ocean blue eyes. The exact same features as her father.

The blond girl beamed at the sight of the King, Lilith confusion grew as the girl shouted and ran to her father. "Daddy!"

What? But I'm the only imperial princess?

She watched in horror and complete utter shock as the King smiled at his daughter, the girl clinging to him like a child. His eyes turned cold again when he turned to Lilith.

"This is the second princess, Maya, daughter to the second Queen, Elizabeth. I do hope you will fulfil your duty's as an older sister and first princess." Lilith just stared. Her world cracking. Her ears roared, throat closing up and tears blurred her vision. She shook her head, bowing before the King.

"Yes, father." Her body trembled, anger and jealousy brewing beneath her skin.

"I do hope we can get along sister!" Maya, beaming, came to stand before Lilith.

"As do I." Lilith stared blankly at her younger sister.

"You may leave to continue your schedule now." The King ordered and Lilith silently left the duo alone without another word.

. . . . .

"Did you hear? There's a new imperial princess in the palace!"

"I heard her beauty is outmatched by no one."

"Really? I hear she's only two years younger than the first imperial princess and she's already been upgraded to the Rose palace."

"But isn't that cruel? The first princess is deserted in the South palace, and the second princess is already outranking her?"

"Well, it's no surprise! The King never truly supported her an-"

The maids squealed as the first princess entered the hall, slamming the door open. They coward away from the furious girl who marched past them out to the courtyard. 

The princess stalked to the each of the imperial gardens until she stood before a singular oak tree. Much more old and ancient to the others around it. Before the tree layer a grave, and the girl stared at the worlds as her heart cracked. 

She fell to her knees as she cried. Cried for the life she had and lost. For the love she never got and the one she missed. She cried for her mother, her queen who left her in a lonely world far too soon.

. . . . .

Lilith sat peacefully reading as the snow out side fell like rain, covering the ground in a layer of white. She sighed as she stared out the window, enjoying the calm.

She flinched as the doors behind her slammed open. A swarm of royal guards surrounded the princess, two grabbing her harshly by either arm, Lilith bit down her scream go pain as she attempted to escape their grasp.

"What is the meaning of this!" The girl yelled

"Lilith Adreana, fist imperial princess, is under arrest for the attempt murder of the royal blood, second princess, Maya Adreana." The guard ordered.

"What? No! This must be a mistake! I would never, please!" She begged, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Just let me talk to my father please-"

"Silence!" A voice echoed throughout the room, the crowd parting to allow for the King to walk through.

"Father! Please, you have to believe me! I didn't-" A slap sounded throughout the entire room. The King had slammed the princess. Her head swung to the side, her gasp audible in the dangerous silences that had fallen upon the room.

"A disgrace." The King sneered, down at the girl. "You couldn't even inherent the royal bloodline probably and you do such a criminal act." 

The girl stared at the floor silent as her heart clenched at the man's words.

"I order an execution. Immediately."

The world went dark.  The princess didn't fight as they dragged her outside. The winter air nipped brutally at the girl, her Snow White hair blowing wild in the wind. Her golden eyes however, were calm. Cold. Like stone she stared ahead, unmoving, even as insults from maids, commoners and nobles were thrown at the princess. Even as she stared death in its eyes, she prayed, to whatever god that would listen, that she would have her chance. At love. At a family.

. . . . . 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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