"Fall in Love with Me"

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Anyu Roberts, then rushes to Mania and told her not go out alone. Mania asked "why" he says "because i heard the rumour about there is a wild animals roaming around the village and it is not safe to go out alone" (indirectly he doesn't want to let her know the little bit of news of Kelvin and Mania)

Kelvin was still wondering of Mania that how she is so stupid (who knows that this hatred will turn into love!!) Anyu asked Mania that where Kelvin is staying, "Why do you ask ? I mean he is stupid!!" Mania replies. —"no i mean i want to thank him for saving our lives" ~Anyu. Mania says "he is in my base camp BUT don't try to be friendly with him"
"But why?? I mean you're the kindest person i know and right now you're being the rudest person i know" Anyu replies. Mania says "I-i mean, i mean he just stupid I don't like him, his attitude, his selfishness and his face NOT HIS FACE!! but his behaviour" (Anyu was having butterflies in his stomach) [Aahhh!!] because as he was in love with Mania so it's obvious he is jealous because Mania hates Kelvin.

Kelvin was again undressing and Anyu enters without knocking. (In crying voice Kelvin says) "Why-why?? Whenever i am undressing everyone come without even invitation". "i-i am sorry i am Anyu Roberts i am Mania's best friend and i am here to thank you" Kelvin again in sigma he says "Ooh so you're Queen Mania's friend, hello mister Anyu Roberts (they shakes each other hand). "Do feel anything for her majesty? ~Anyu
"What me? Huh! What a nice and stupid joke!!, who will fall in love with her?" "You better never fall in love with her because she is mine i-i mean she is my bestie and I will not allows her to be with anyone without asking" Anyu replies in bit of jealousy. Kelvin again in his inner mind thinking about why not to make her fall deeper for him. "I will sure make her fall in love with me" Kelvin to himself. He wants her to make her fall just to make Anyu jealous. "What did you say?" Anyu replies in anger! "I will make her fall in love with me" Kelvin replies. They started arguing and also started fighting.

A girl named Jenny Addams, She was a best friend of Kelvin brown and was a Future Heavenly god Kelvin wife-to-be. (She was moon fairy) They were tangled to be together since they were born by their parents. But Kelvin doesn't have any idea about their relation. Jenny was aware of this thing. But she doesn't love Kelvin she always treat him as his best friend, she like the guy who helped him.

Jenny was told to find Kelvin and she find him in Fliets Tribal because she heard the rumour. She went to Mania and asked her if she seen Kelvin.
"My Majesty have seen any boy who is handsome but stupid, Any guy who is Kelvin?!" Jenny says
Mania replies "So you're also thinks that she is handsome yet stupid? "Yess yess so you know him?" ~jenny. Mania says " of course he is in my base camp come i will take you there"

*Mania and Jenny arrives at the base camp*....

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