Chapter 1: May 20th, 1792

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Mary Lambert is a 15-year-old girl with Blonde hair and brown eyes. She woke up to the faint sound of cannons and gunfire. It was the year 1792, during the French Revolution, her parents kept telling her they were safe because they were on the outskirts of town, but she knew it was a lie. She sighed peering out her windows faintly seeing the gunfire. "Momma?" She called out, then walked over to her desk and opened her journal "Mommy, I'm scared!" Josephine cried. Mary checked on her little sister hushing her and held her close, taking her over to the desk. Mary managed to teach her sister some words, but her mom oddly didn't want Josephine to learn how to speak. She made her sister sit on her lap as she wrote down the day and what was going on; They heard their parents arguing over food and marital problems, one thing Mary heard was her father was accusing her mother of infidelity.
"What about our kids?! Why does everything have to be about you!" Their mom screamed as the dad yelled, "I work as a lawyer!! And that baby in there ruins my sleep!" She hugged her sister tightly sighing, Josephine grabbed her doll and hugged it close, Josephine had gotten the doll for her 2nd birthday. "I did not cheat on you!" Juliette yelled at George, as he knew he had proof, it was Josephine, he knew it had to be true, even though Juliette had let him know numerous times he had came home drunk that day, he just had a feeling that wasn't his kid. "SHUT IT!" He yelled at Josephine, slamming the door on her when she was peeking out of her room. He heard Josephine sobbing as Juliette pushed him aside to calm down her 3 year old daughter. "Why does daddy hate me?" Josephine sobbed as her mom rocked her, trying to console her, Josephine heard her mom let out a sigh. "He doesn't hate you Josie, he is just- I guess he didn't think you would be a girl" Juliette said, she didn't really know what to tell her daughter, so she tried her best, but that only made her daughter let out a hysterical wail, falling out of her mothers grip and crawled over to her sister, still wailing. "I-I'm sorry Josie, I didn't me-" Before Juliette could finish her sentence, Mary slapped her harshly "How dare you say that about your own daughter! She's only 3 years old!" Mary yelled, as tears ran down her face "I'm sorry, I don't know what else to tell her! What? Do you want me to just tell her that she was a drunk accident?!" Juliette snapped, as Mary scoffed "Well she is!" George yelled from the living room, Mary shook her head, and shoved her mom "I don't want to see you again!" She snapped and closed her bedroom door on her mother, closing it softly so her father doesnt take the door off again. She cradled her little sister and put her in her crib, shushing her, "I want doll" Josephine mumbled as her sister gave it to her, pulling her desk chair over, and sat next to her sister's crib, sighing "Since you disrespected your mother Josephine, you are not allow to eat dinner!" George yelled coming in the room, Josephine shook her head yes as she tried not to cry again.
May 21st 1792
Josephine saw a man in an apple-green attire, she giggled and waved at him as he rode by on a white horse. She saw he had tipped his hat towards her and smiled.

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