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so0hee.h the reality of sungtaro (ft me)
tagged: su.ngch4n, bubbletaro
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su.ngch4n this is edited

2cheri why is my man in all of these...

bubbletaro Artificial Intelligence

minluka the second slide??? this is too real

user1 its always the ones in a relationship that
be the gayest...


It had been 20 minutes since Sohee and Seunghan left the ex-couple locked together.

They decided to turn on Moana to pass the time. Neither were sure why their friends would lock them in a room—what was the reason?

Yurim now sat on one of Sohee's beanbags, her legs pulled to her chest. Anton was leaning forward on the edge of the bed farthest from her with his elbows resting on his knees. The silence was unbearable. This had never happened. Not even before their relationship.

They watched as the movie played, filling the silent room. The sun was setting, the once bright room dimming as it left. Sohee never turned his light on—he always used the sun or TV.

It never made sense to Yurim, but she knew the boy was odd.

Anton discreetly stared at Yurim out of the corner of his eye. She was wearing pajamas and a matching t-shirt. Her face lacked makeup, except for her glossed lips—but Anton liked looking at the moles she usually covered. It was as if she had just woken up.

Maybe it was because he hadn't been seeing her as often, but she looked really pretty today.

In one blink, Yurim and Anton's eyes locked. She had caught him staring. His gaze immediately roamed the room, though he could name everything in it—even the snack wrappers hidden beneath Sohee's bed.

He couldn't seem to focus on one thing after being caught. It felt like his body was overheating one part at a time. Was he seriously that embarrassed? What a loser.

With flushed cheeks, Anton stood up and tried opening the door again, but had no luck. "Are you okay?" Yurim asked when he started walking in circles.

"Yeah, but isn't it really hot?" Anton fanned himself.
"I'm kind of cold." Yurim's eyebrows furrowed.

With a nod, Anton squeezed his eyes shut and laid on the bed to cool off. "Are you sure you're okay?" Yurim looked at him worriedly.

"I'm good." He shot it down right away.

When he opened his eyes again, Yurim's perfect face was hovering above him. His breath hitched as their eyes connected. She smiled at him, though it was one of worry.

Once again, Anton felt that same heat spreading through his body. "I miss us, Yurim." He blurted out while she checked his temperature.

Yurim chuckled, "You're forehead is burning up. Are you sick?" She brushed off what he said.

ROSEY | ANTON LEE Where stories live. Discover now