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We've been practicing for a week now. The competition day is closer each day, it feels like time isn't passing by, we keep rehearsing but nothing seems to change, and we need to play better as quickly as possible.

But still, that wasn't the only thing we had to worry about. The midterms were also getting closer each day and the teachers started warning us we should start studying. The problem is, I've always been an average student, but in the last few days, I've been noticing I have some difficulty in chemistry. I freaked out, my parents would never let me go to that competition in Tempe if I failed any midterm. So I had to ask someone for help.

─Hey, is anyone here not flunking chemistry? ─I asked while sitting at the table with the other to eat lunch.

─Do I really have to answer? ─Rey said, we all knew he was basically flunking everything.

─I would love to help, Dustin, but you know. ─Robin was also not an option since we weren't at the same chemistry level.

─You sure don't want me as a teacher. ─Do-hyun chuckled, he was right, I would rather flunk chemistry than have him as my tutor.

─Akari...? ─I looked at her with puppy eyes.

─I just want to eat my lunch. ─She replied coldly.

─Pretty please, you have the opportunity to use your teenage genius superpowers to help a charming guy who is flunking chemistry.

─If I agree, will you stop bothering me while I eat lunch?

─I promise. ─I said and patted her shoulder.

─May I join too? ─Rey asked.

─The more the merrier.


Akari asked me if we three could meet at my house, I didn't refuse since I had no problem with that. I was glad that she agreed to help me, since we started hanging out I've noticed that Akari is way more kind than people think.

─I give up. ─Rey said putting his hands on his face.

─This is the fourth time you have given up, we all know you'll keep studying. ─Akari replied, she spent some time explaining the content to us and then gave us some exercises just to check if we had understood the first part. ─Rey you got a D.

─Wait, I didn't know these things were graded! 

─Dustin, B-. ─She continued.

─Good enough. ─I answered, since I've always been an average student, an average grade was like an A for me.

─I think you both can do better, you're not dumb, you two could easily get an A+ if you tried hard.

─I don't get an A+ since kindergarten. ─I was trying to disillusion her.

She rolled her eyes. ─Rey, you're not even listening to me anymore.

─I'm sorry, Akari, I just can't stop thinking that we could be rehearsing right now.

─Chill out, dude. ─I tried to comfort him.

─I literally have anxiety?! ─He replied outraged while Akari couldn't stop laughing.


It was the next day, we were all at Akari's. We were switching, one day me and Rey would be studying with Akari and the other day we would rehearse. Since we didn't have much time to decide which song we would plan, we decided to leave it to the most unoccupied person in the band. Do-hyun just put some songs' names in a cup and grabbed one. And that's the story of how we ended up learning how to play a song that was only famous ten years ago. "Not Another Song About Love" by Hollywood Ending.

─I'm being serious when I say that I hate this song. ─Akari complained.

─Same. ─Rey agreed while lying on the ground, we had decided to take a ten-minute break.

─Sorry to bother you, Akari, but I'm really thirsty. ─Robin said.

─Don't need to worry, Robin, I'll get you some water. ─Akari got up from her stoll.

─Could I have some as well? ─Do-hyun took the opportunity. ─You know, vocalist and everything.

─Sure, I'll be back in a minute. 

─Akari, wait, me three. ─Rey said, still on the ground.

─I won't be able to do that.

─What? Why? ─He sat up.

─You're not a vocal, and besides, you didn't get more than a C in your exercises.

─So you're depriving me of water?! That's mean! ─We all started laughing.

─Get at least a B- and then I'll bring you some water!


Total: 695 words.

See you soon. ♥︎

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