Chapter 17: Kit

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A/N: Hi everyone! I am so sorry for how long this chapter took to come out. I've had a crazy bout of writers block. I am currently working on the next chapter so it should come out relatively soon. I hope you enjoy 

last time on: One Small Change can Save your Life

"Don't worry about me, I'm alright. Tell your mates the good news." I smiled. Draco smiled and snuggled into his mates who had surrounded him, Severus and Tom around the back of the couch and Barty with Draco in his arms.

"I'm pregnant," Draco blurted. My mates who didn't know froze in shock while Draco's mates' jaws dropped. They paused for only a few moments but converged all at once hugging him.

I smiled and nudged my mates. We all got up quietly and made our way to the floo. We should leave them to bask in the feeling of being new parents. 

Three Weeks Later

I was in my room reading when Papa Amos rushed in. My eyes shot up from my book and I smiled as he pulled me up from my seat.

"Cub, come look! Come look!" He was jumping up and down excited before leading me to the full body mirror in my closet.
"What's going on Papa?" I tilted my head. Papa Amos lifted his shirt and turned slightly to the side. My brows furrowed in confusion, until my eyes traveled down to his belly and saw it slightly rounded just below his belly button. My jaw dropped. I was getting a sibling! I lowered to my knees, so I would be eye level with his belly, glancing up to him asking permission. He nodded and his smile widened. I reached out and placed my hand gently on the bump. I could feel the curve under my fingertips and let out a shocked giggle looking back up at him with a smile. My inner kitsune purred and leaned my nose toward his belly, nudging it softly.

Papa Amos petted my head gently.

I looked up at him with wide eyes seeing him smiling softly down at me.

"How are you feeling? Is there anything I can help you with? I want to help, somehow.." I stuttered out trying to find some way to be useful.

"Pup, just you being here with me to hold me hand and give me snuggles helps me," Papa pulled me up and settling with me on the couch. I pouted but nodded snuggling into his embrace.

"Also... when were you going to tell me?" I gave him a confused look.

" What are you talking about?" My eyebrows raise,. "I'll tell you everything..."

Now Amos appeared to be genuinely confused.

"Do you really not know?"

"I'm clueless... What are you talking about?" I voiced, concerned.

"Let me ask you a few questions... Have your mates been unconsciously overprotective recently?" Papa Amos asked with a raised brow. I thought for a moment before nodding.


"Have you been having odd food cravings? Maybe feeling a little sore in random spots on your body?" I thought for a moment before my eyes widened at the realization.


"Are you putting it together yet?" A small smile grew at the corners of Papa Amos' mouth. "I haven't been getting morning sickness though," I stated with wide panicked eyes.

"Not everyone gets morning sickness sweetheart," he rubs my back.

I narrow my eyes, "Wait, how did you figure it out before me?"

"Whenever someone gets pregnant, their scent changes and combines with the father of their fetus' scent and smells sweeter."

"Does anyone else know?" I whined.

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