83~ Pre-planned Game

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Tarakshya's POV

"Where are we going?" she asked, leaning on my chest.

"To meet your pretty friend's father," I replied, after finding the location of Mr Singhaniya's residence.

She stared at me with confusion, blinking her big eyes, and I smiled at her adorable sight.

How desperately I wish to have a daughter like her, but the fucking dream seems like it would never come to reality.

"Sir, you can't go inside. Sir strictly ordered us not to let anyone enter," the guards blocked my way not daring to look into my eyes and shaking in their places.

A smile came to my lips. Love is really silly. Look at what it's made me.

If it was just Tarakshya Roy Rajdhan, it wouldn't have taken me seconds to shoot these fuckers, but the helpless lover in me won't permit it.

"Let him in," I heard that manly voice and a sarcastic smile tugged at my lips. The guards stepped aside, heads bowed and sweat beads forming on their foreheads.

It was clearly evident how much courage they had gathered to block my way, and a sense of satisfaction crossed my face.

I lifted my eyes to see him standing on the balcony, shirtless and smoking care freely, showing no remorse for breaking his wife's heart or the pain of losing his daughter.

I must admit, the man is really good at duality. A successful businessman with a sharp mindset, God-gifted handsomeness, and professional acting skills.

I don't blame her for falling for this fucker; anyone would, but she should have known the consequences.

My eyes traveled to the crushed pieces of cigarette on the wooden floor, and I gave him a look, only to receive a blank response in return.

"He's arrogant, Papa," I heard Juliet's voice near my ear, and I chuckled at her naive response.

"I'll tell you a secret, but you can't question me about it or tell anyone, not even Dadda," I muttered, tucking her soft curly hair back and pecking her forehead.

She held my pinky finger with her tiny finger and promised, with sparkles of curiosity in her eyes, "Pinky promise."

I kissed her cheeks and revealed what her bastard father or mother should have told her. "That arrogant man is your mumma's elder brother, your maternal uncle."

She moved away with a jerk and turned to look at the man behind us, who was currently staring at her with a cigarette between his fingers.

She then turned back to me, opening and closing her mouth as she probably remembered the promise she had just made.

I smiled, not able to bear her saddened face, and said, "Okay, just two questions."

She happily glanced at me and asked in one go, "Is it true, Romeo? Does he look like my Mumma?"

I chuckled and answered, "Umm, yes, it's a hundred percent true, and he looks so much like your Mumma because he is your Mumma's brother."

"Do you know where my Mumma is? Can you help me meet her?" she asked, and my smile fell as I glanced into her hopeful eyes before breaking her heart.

"I answered your two questions, Juliet?"

Her face fell, and my heart ached terribly. I opened my mouth to explain, but her uncle's voice cut through the silence, causing me to look at him.

"If you wanted to have a talk with the little girl, you should have chosen another place," he said, his tone cold and indifferent.

Frustration was evident in his voice, and I replied, walking toward him, "No, Mr. Singhaniya. I'm far more interested in talking with you."

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