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Requested by TheSl33pingDead ?!

Tim tossed and turned in his sheets, eventually coming to a sudden halt, facing flat to the ceiling. He hadn't been able to sleep for days now, it was driving the man absolutely insane. His gaze flickered from left to right before lading on the clock..

3:45 AM.

"fuck.." Tim breathed out, his breath becoming shallow, he couldn't continue doing this anymore, this was destroying his mental health which therefore affected the man's friendships and bonds with people, especially the ones he lived with which were already starting to get worried for him, only irritating Timothy even more than the hallucinations already did. And now that Tim was completely sleep deprived it didn't help his case..Plus the medication didn't work without sleep so it was basically useless. What was the point?

Tim had stopped taking them after awhile, they never worked..they never did. All those doctors saying he needed to 'up the dosage' bullshit..He didn't need to do any of that god damn shit his doctors told him to do. What did they know anyway? They were just flimsy people who never understood what he was going through, nobody would ever understand Tim. He was alone wasn't he? Everyone kept telling him that "things would get better!" Yeah..right. This bullshit had been going on for years now! How the hell was this about to get better?? But always Jay so fucking positive.. 
The younger man's words kept repeating over and over on his head.

'Are you okay?'

'Have you been getting sleep?'

'I promise things will get better..'

'You have to believe in yourself!..'

'You're not broken...'


'You there?'

'Tim? I'm gettin' worried..'


Tim almost fell off the bed, his eyes which were beginning to close shot open in a matter of milliseconds , gazing down he saw a shadow peering over from the crack of the wooden door, it seemed familiar.. it wasn't Jay. Jay's shadow was skinnier. It definitely was not Alex..Alex would never check up on him. That asshole didn't care about anyone but himself.
Jessica had her own set of issues she could barely deal with..Besides. she was out having a sleepover with Amy. Every Friday they did that so there was no chance in hell Jessica would be back unless something happe-

"Tim! Hello?? Man you in there???"

A strong country accent..it was Brian. Fuck. He couldn't see him in this state, yet the man had seemingly noticed the flickering light of the lamp Tim used which was still on, even this late at night.  He groaned into his pillow, not wanting to confront his best friend yet what choice did he have now? Tim sighed, sleepingly getting up from his fluffy cloud like bed and now standing on the cold carpet, some parts of it were stained with blood which Tim hadn't bothered on cleaning..he was too tired to. Tim slumped his hand onto the doorknob, turning it clockwise, opening it to see none other than Brian standing there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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