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Another school year began in the blink of an eye.

Typically, most students eagerly counted the days to the start of school as they could finally meet their friends and share experiences, along with juicy gossip about everything that had occurred over the summer holiday.

Everyone was excited.

Everyone except for Jimin.

With a new school year, he started his seventh grade. And with a new school year, he hoped to get through it as quickly as possible. After all, school was always challenging for him as he wasn't like his classmates, well-known kings of the school. He was a timid guy, who preferred reading over clubbing, dyed his hair light pink, and dressed in fluffy, oversized sweaters.

And because of that, a group of his classmates – led by the most popular guy in the class, Seokjin – made fun of him.

Truthfully, every so often, Jimin had been envious of Jin. He wished to be like him: tall, extraordinarily good-looking, cute, and surrounded by admirers. Unlike him, he was short, undesirable, ignored, and had only two friends: Taehyung and Jungkook.

Taehyung was his childhood friend. He was also popular due to his appealing visuals, good grades, and bubbly personality, however, considering he was Jimin's friend, people usually didn't talk to him... except when they needed something from him, of course.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was popular-slash-unpopular. He was shy like Jimin, but the difference between them was that he climbed the reputation ladder over social media—by reason of his attractive and bunny-like appearance and good grades.

Seemingly, their classmates couldn't understand how such amazing guys were friends with Jimin. Sometimes, they attempted to crush their friendship, putting it on the tone of a war, yet both of them stayed by Jimin's side no matter what others proclaimed about him.

There was nothing that could ever change that. Their friendship was indestructible.

Nevertheless, it was already a third year since Taehyung and Jungkook had started dating. As a matter of fact, Jimin was happy for them. He really was – however, he envied them. He yearned to find someone who would love him unconditionally. Someone, who would stand up for him and never get influenced by Seokjin's words about him or by Seokjin's appearance.

Unlike the guys he had – though platonically – liked before.

Heading straight to the classroom which stayed in the same perfect condition as they'd left it at the end of the sixth grade, Jimin glanced around immediately to find an empty desk. Above all, he wanted to sit with one of his friends instead of with one of his classmates.

"Let's sit here." Taehyung pointed at two empty desks near the door and took a seat close to the wall.

In an instant, Jimin sat down next to him and put his black-and-white backpack on the desk.

"Hell no, Jimin-hyung!" Jungkook grabbed Jimin's backpack, then placed it on the desk in front. "That's my seat."

Jimin snapped his gaze up to meet Jungkook's doe-like eyes. "You always sit with him." He shot back.

"Because I'm his boyfriend." Jungkook reminded and tossed his own backpack on the desk. "And thus I have the right to sit with Taehyungie-hyung whenever I want. So shoo!"

"Oh my god, just get married already." Jimin rolled his eyes, rose to his feet, and went to sit at the desk in front of them, while Jungkook hurriedly occupied his previous seat.

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