Character profiles

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Amy Benson-she has a special connection to the animatronics even the ones that she doesn't know, the facility find out that Amy is friends with the 5 missing children who now possess the original fazbear crew

she seems to help the animatronics with their hostility, she makes the interviews a lot easier with them.

James Benson - despite not having much connection with the animatronics they still trust him, even some of the hostile ones he has also helped a lot with Keeping the animatronics calm and some interviews as well

Ravi- Ravi is a troop member at the G.E.M.S facility he escorted Amy around the facility and befriended her

Withered Bonnie- The men hear Amy refer to him as Jeremy sometimes so they assume that was his previous name. Bonnie seems to have the closest bond with Amy, Bonnie protected her when they were younger, he would sometimes talk about Amy during interrogations resulting to her and James(Amy's father) to be brought to the facility

Withered Chica- one of the men before he talked with Chica heard Amy refer to her as Susie. Like Bonnie, Chica also had the closest Bond With Amy, and Chica seems to also be Docile and some what cooperative during interrogations but was a bit more Cooperative when Amy told her to stay calm

Foxy- Like Bonnie and Chica he also has a Bond with Amy she refers to him as Fritz at times Foxy was part of the original Fazbear band
Freddy- Freddy's spirit who Amy knows as Gabriel had a close Bond with Amy as well, sometimes during interrogations he would ask where Amy is, becoming hostile when he thinks about Amy

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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