Chapter 3

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17 year old Eleanor was seen in her new room after her and her family moved to Beacon Hills after deciding to rebuild their house in LA but not live there as it had too many memories and they needed to move on.

"Why have we missed out on seeing her grow up?" Klaus asks disappointedly

"It will be shown in flashbacks, sort of." Katherine explains earning nods of understanding from around the room, while they were all looking at Eleanor in awe.

"What does it mean rebuild?" Liza asks confused

"It will be shown" Lexi says sharing looks with her best friends.

Ellie ran her fingers through her hair releasing a sigh before deciding to go on a walk, so she put her shoes on heading downstairs.

"Hey where are you going?" Damon asks him and Stefan appearing next to the girl crossing their arms

"So overprotective" Kol says dramatically rolling his eyes

"We are not" the brothers exclaim in sync making everyone who knows what they are like and how protective of Ellie they are scoff 

"For a walk" Ellie said as if it was obvious

"Let's go" Stefan says about to walk out the door but Ellie stopped him

"Err, no. I'm going for a walk, you two are staying here" Eleanor says firmly

"Wha-no, absolutely not. You do realise this town is riddled with hunters right?" Damon asks giving his niece a stern look who rolled her eyes

"I can protect myself" Ellie reassured snapping her claws out with a smirk on her face. Seeing them about to argue she quickly shouts "Aunt Kat, Aunt Lex"

The two women speed to where they are looking confused "What's wrong Ellie?" Katherine asks softly as Eleanor pouts

"Uncle Demon and Uncle Steffie won't let me go out" Ellie pouts looking at her Aunt's with doe eyes

Katherine and Lexi immediately turn to Damon and Stefan with stern looks "She's allowed to have a life" Lexi scolds with Katherine nodding in agreement

"She isn't your little girl anymore. Ellie grew up, she can do as she pleases, so leave her alone" Katherine states sternly and as her aunts were scolding her uncle's Eleanor slipped out of the house letting out a chuckle rather proud of herself.

Everyone chuckles at the girls antics while Klaus scowls at the Salvatore brothers, Eleanor was his daughter not theirs.

Eleanor was walking in the woods deep in thought thinking over everything that has happened in her crazy life before a hand landed on her shoulder.

Most people sat up worriedly at that while Laura and Camden chuckled knowing what was about to happen.

Out of instinct Eleanor grabbed the person by the arm threw them over her shoulder so they landed on the ground with a hard thud and she put her heel to the person's neck.

Klaus smiled proudly at his daughter much like everyone else in the room, while Laura and Camden had to stop themselves from laughing knowing exactly who that was.

Looking down Eleanor saw a blue eyed, brunette boy who looks to be about the same age as her, who was looking up at her in shock and awe.

"Is that-is that Peter?" Scott asks in shock causing the Hale's, Lahey's, Salvatore's and Katherine and Lexi to nod

"Not a hunter" Ellie sighed smelling his werewolf side but still didn't let him go

"Yeah i'm not a hunter! Can you please let me go?" Peter asks wide eyed staring up at the brunette

Eleanor raised her eyebrows tilting her head debating whether or not to kill him but decided to ultimately decides to let him go. Peter wastes no time jumping to his feet and now that he wasn't about to be killed he couldn't help but notice her chocolate brown eyes, her button nose, her glossed lips, the natural rosy blush that coaxed her cheeks, her perfectly plucked eyebrows, her silky brunette hair...he noticed everything and honestly he felt like he couldn't breathe, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

"Aww" Elizabeth cooed watching the screen

The McCall pack look at Peter on the screen in shock, this was not the Peter they knew.

"Hello!" Eleanor snapped clicking her fingers in his face breaking him out of his trance

"Huh? What?" Peter asks softly still slightly dazed

"I said what the hell do you think you're doing sneaking up on random people?" Eleanor asks annoyed, crossing her arms Peter's eyes following the action noticing the way it pushed her breasts up

The men glare at Peter at that even though he couldn't see them.

Peter took a deep breath trying to get control of himself "Well I was wondering what you were doing on my family's property" Peter answered staring into her brown eyes

Eleanor raised her eyebrows "Well me and my family just moved in so kinda have no idea where i'm going" she says with a shrug

Peter chuckled at that before holding his hand out "Peter Hale" he states

Ellie looked at his hand before looking back at him letting out a sigh and shaking his hand but both let out soft gasps as they feel electricity zap through their veins, but they don't let go of each other's hand "Eleanor Toretto, call me Ellie" she says smiling at the boy who couldn't help but smile back

Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows but didn't say anything, she just made a mental note of it.

Before either can say anything else shouting was heard "Ellie dinner!" Deckard shouts

"I gotta go" Ellie says pointing in the direction where her brother shouted

"Yeah" Peter says with a nod as Ellie turns around and starts walking away "see you around!" he calls after her

Ellie turned around walking backward with a smile the made Peter weak in the knees "Maybe" she says with a smile before turning around and continuing to go home with a smile on her face

"What the hell is wrong with him? He must be broken or something" Stiles exclaimed earning deadpan looks "He's smiling! Peter Hale does not smile!"

"Have you ever stopped to wonder why?" Lexi asked with raised eyebrows but she didn't receive a response

Peter leaned back against a tree watching her go biting his bottom lip trying to contain his smile but it was no use, the look in his eyes indicating he was already smitten.

Ellie walked into the house and immediately went to the backyard where the rest of her family was and Ellie smiled, yes they lost people along the way but this was her family, not all blood but Ellie knew better than anyone that family isn't always the people you share the same DNA with, it's the people who love, support, defend and protect you, people you can trust. She wouldn't change her crazy family for the world.

The Mikaelson's share looks hoping that Ellie will want to get to know them once they get out of here.

Authors Note:

They met, i'm not sure how I feel about their meeting though so that might change in the future. But I hope you enjoy!

His Other Daughter (teen wolf x tvd/to x fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now