Chapter 2

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"I'll take you to school" said Kenzo

And so the group walked to school following Lucas' shortcut

It turns out it just lead to the shop owned by Miss Yamino

"You just wanted to get chocolate didn't you..." Lilia asked

"Nooooooooo..." answered Lucas

Lucas runs into the shop and looks at all the chocolate

"Ummmm Lucas... your mother asked me not to serve you in the mornings because of how much junk food you're eating recently" Miss Yamino reminded him

Lucas sighed and walked out

They ended up going back towards their house

"Come on Lilia let's actually go to school"

Lucas and Kenzo both followed them

They finally got to school

"And why are you all late?" The receptionist asked

Kenzo explained what happened to them

The receptionist took a sip of her coffee and typed on the computer

"Off you go to lesson then"

The kids walked to class

Lucas walked as slow as he could

Meanwhile at the Team Kage HQ

Their base was hidden under Tagami so that Nevermore or the citizens couldn't find them

"Max do you have those reports?" Kage asked while on his laptop

"No I've just been doing a bong" replied Max

Kage rolled his eyes

"Sorry boss" she chuckled

Kenzo walked in

"You look like shit"

"Thanks Bugg" replied Kenzo

Bugg was Lucas' biological father

Him and Isabelle used to date but came to terms and realised it wasn't going to work out

They're still very good friends and care about each other a lot

"Knull and Ari attacked Lucas, Lilia and Jaqueline today" Kenzo told them

"Is Lucas ok?" Bugg asked with a concerned tone

"I don't think Lucas is ever ok..."mumbled Max

"I heard that you bastard"

Max sighed

"Did you beat their ass Kenzo?" Jake asked

"What do you think?"

"My guess is yes"

Kenzo nodded

Meanwhile back at school

Lucas was snoring

"Lucas? Lilia is he asleep..." Asked the teacher

The teachers name was Cherry

Lilia nudged him

"No mum I didn't eat the toaster..."

"Do I want to ask?" Cherry asked her

"N-no..." replied Lilia

She nudged him again


Jaq rolled her eyes

"Ok now he's awake let's continue with the lesson..."

Lucas began daydreaming

He was thinking about the leaders of Nevermore and if they've ever done finger painting

Ever since he was born he was peculiar and had a different mind to everyone else

His mother dropped him a lot as a baby

While the Mobians were in class Bugg found something on his computer

"Kage you might want to see this"

Kage walked over to him

It was drone footage of Nevermore

"What am I looking at?"

"Look at those Inquisitors right there" Bugg pointed out while taking a sip of a can

"Who the fuck is that?" Kage asked

"That my ancient friend is a new one"

Kage gave him the death stare

He was very old as he was an apprentice of Akuma but was kept in a deep sleep for an unknown reason and woke up many years later

Max walked over to them and looked

She knew lots about them all as she was the daughter of King Lat but defected

"He's definitely new but he doesn't look human"

"Neither do you half the time" said Jake

"Don't make me hit you" replied Max

The new Inquisitor teleported

"Where did he go?" Asked Bugg

"How are we meant to know?" Max told him

Suddenly their alarm went off

"It's at the school" Kenzo warned them

The school was being evacuated but Lucas and Jaqueline stayed behind to defend everyone

"Twice the kills, double the reward from the Queen" chuckled the Inquisitor

"Don't worry Jaq I got this!" Shouted Lucas

He ran towards them and went to attack but got his legs swept and fell on his face

"Lose any brain cells?" They asked him

"I... ow... don't have any!"

Jaq was pissed

The two charged at each other and dealt blows

Jaqueline struggled while the Inquisitor succeeded

They jumped off her and pulled their pistol out ready to shoot

It seemed like it was the end of Jaqueline Mobian

Luckily Kenzo ran in and reflected the bullets with his sword

He was a master at that

"You suck at catch Jaq"

She rolled her eyes

"I've been expecting you Kenzo" the Inquisitor told him

The two began to fight each other

Jaq ran towards her stupid brother and picked him up

Kenzo had never fought an opponent quite like this before

"So who trained you?" He asked

"A lab" replied the Inquisitor

Kenzo was a bit confused

He was also trained in a lab

To hide from King Lat he changed his identity to Kenzo

In reality is name was Genji and was created during Project Lat

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