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C15 - BUT YOU'RE STILL WITH ME NOW, I KNOW (Let Somebody Go) - September 23

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C15 - BUT YOU'RE STILL WITH ME NOW, I KNOW (Let Somebody Go) - September 23

Happy Jenlisa Day 💙

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Dear Jennie,

If you're reading this, it means I'm dead... 

No, I'm just kidding! But seriously, if I were good at saying goodbye, I'd be on stage, right? And not just any stage, but one of those Shakespearean dramas you love and always wanted to study with a bunch of people in tights. Imagine that!

But here we are, me leaving a letter for you because, let's face it, for someone who loves a good old plot, nothing says "you are special" like paper and ink. And I know you're there, holding this letter like it's a winning lottery ticket (or a time bomb, depending on your mood).

I've never liked goodbyes face-to-face. They're like those movie endings you know are coming but still catch you off guard. And with this whole cancer thing, you never know when "see you later" turns into "goodbye." So here I am, doing what I do best: avoiding sad looks and choosing words that, I hope, make you smile instead of cry.

I have one last random thought for you: Is it possible to fall in love in two weeks? According to YouTube, no, as I once told you. But I think scientists need to study more because I'm sure I fell in love with you. I wish I had the courage to say it out loud. Sorry. They say love is giving someone the power to hurt you but trusting they won't. And if that's really the meaning, I was on the right track these past few weeks.

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