Chapter One The beginning of the end

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31 of October 1981 Halloween night Blairs Cottage

It was a peaceful night. The sky was painted with sparkling stars, and the meadow surrounding Blair's cottage was quiet, with the faint sound of a grasshopper in the distance. Simion Blair leaned against his daughter's door frame, watching the love of his life try to convince their little angel in the crib to fall asleep. The faint sound of snoring from their oldest son's bedroom confirmed his slumber. Finally, after much bargaining, their darling daughter fell asleep. His beautiful wife walked to the door where Simion stood, watching the lovely sight in front of him.

Delilah Blair was a vision with her dark black hair cascading to her shoulder blades and striking blue eyes that their daughter had inherited. She had glowing tan skin and a short, slim figure. Simion, on the other hand, was broad and tall with pale skin. His brown hair covered his golden eyes, which his son had inherited. The couple had been madly in love since their last year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, four years ago. Blessed with their son nine months after finishing their schooling, they got married surrounded by friends and family. After their son's birth, Delilah joined Simion in the Order of the Phoenix, fighting alongside good wizards and witches to ensure a safe world for their son. At that time, a dark wizard threatened the entire wizarding world. But that didn't matter to them now as they had each other. Three years had passed, and they now had a beautiful daughter in addition to their son. The world had grown darker as Lord Voldemort's power grew, but that didn't matter at this moment because they had one another. 

Simion led his wife into the living room where she sat down while he went to the kitchen to make tea. Delilah laughed at the sight of him trying to levitate two steaming cups of tea onto the coffee table. Simion sat next to her and took her hands in his. "You are a silly man, Simion Blair," Delilah said with a smile. "The same silly man you decided to marry and have two kids with," Simion replied. Delilah's face lit up. "Well, actually, it's the silly man I decided to marry and have f—" She was cut off by a large bang, and black smoke started to fill the room. "TAKE THE KIDS AND RUN!" screamed Simion, pulling out his wand, ready to face the three men in black robes standing before him. Delilah ran out of the living room towards her children's rooms, her face wet with tears. She found her eldest son trying to soothe their screaming daughter. She grabbed both kids and held them tight before Apparating to a safe location. Simion could hear the faint sound of a pop in the distance, pleading to himself that it was the sound of his family fleeing to safety. He then turned to the three Death Eaters in front of him. "Took you boys long enough to find us," Simion said, summoning all the confidence he could muster. "You and your Mudblood of a wife have brought shame to your family, and it's finally time to kill the weeds," sneered the oldest Death Eater. Before anyone else could speak, Simion yelled a curse at the Death Eater in the middle, blasting him into the wall behind him and knocking him out. A fierce battle erupted. Curses and spells flew from Simion's wand, striking walls, floors, and the two Death Eaters in front of him. The room was filled with flashes of light and the sounds of destructive magic. The furniture shattered, and family photos were scorched as the fight raged on. Simion managed to hold his ground for a while, but exhaustion began to set in. He was gradually driven into a corner by the relentless onslaught of spells. Blood trickled from a cut on his forehead, and his breathing grew labored. The Death Eaters sensed his weakening and pressed their advantage. "Your time has run out, traitor. Avada Kedavra!" screamed the oldest Death Eater. A bright green light filled the room, and Simion's world went black. Delilah appeared in the forest, clutching her children tightly. She was shaking, tears streaming down her face as she looked around, ensuring they were safe. Her son clung to her, his small hands gripping her robes, while her daughter wailed in her arms.

"Mummy, where's Daddy?" her son asked, his voice trembling. Delilah's heart broke at the question. She knelt down, trying to calm both children despite her own fear and sorrow. "Daddy is... Daddy is fighting to keep us safe, love. We need to stay here and be very quiet, okay?"She cast protective enchantments around them, creating a barrier that would hide them from anyone who might come searching. The forest was eerily quiet, the silence only broken by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. Delilah hugged her children tightly, whispering reassurances as her mind raced with fear and dread for Simion's fate.Back at the cottage, the Death Eaters surveyed the damage, their expressions a mix of triumph and irritation. The oldest death eater barked orders to his companions, ensuring they left no trace of their presence. Simion lay motionless on the floor, his once bright eyes now dull and lifeless. "We need to find the wife and kids," the oldest death eater snarled. "They won't get far."As they left the ruined cottage, the night sky above continued to sparkle with stars, indifferent to the pain and loss below. The Blair family's peaceful night had been shattered, their lives forever changed by the darkness that sought to consume their world.In a town not far away, a small child with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead had just defeated Voldemort, ending a war that many believed would never see its end. The wizarding world breathed a collective sigh of relief as hope and freedom blossomed. Years passed in this newfound peace, until one fateful day, the very same boy with the lightning bolt scar received an unexpected letter. An invitation from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, heralding the beginning of the end.

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