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"BF SHUT UP!" Came a loud scream from the kitchen. Bf opened his eyes as a short orange haired roommate walked into his room. "If you wanna practice do it somewhere else. I don't have the patience to day."

Bf sighed as he left the apartment and began walking along the streets. It was pretty busy, people walked quickly and cars zoomed by. The smell of what Bf assumed was burnt hotdogs was in the air as he walked. This was the third time his ex had told him to leave while practicing.

Bf wasn't paying attention as he walked though and suddenly, he slammed into someone. Both fell to the ground.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." Said the person he ran into. She looked to be in a hurry and quickly helped him up before running off before Bf could even speak a word.

Bf looked down and saw a microphone sitting on the ground. He curiously picked it up and examined it, on the bottom were the words: "Property of the Dearests". He then looked up to see a huge sign blaring the words, "Dearest theater", which made the search to return the microphone much easier. He walked in the door, the place seemed quiet. All that was there was a stage, and a set of speakers. The girl he had ran into was there setting down her bag.

Bf now had a chance to get a look at her, she wore a red dress and had long red hair. He worked up the courage to speak up.

"Beep!" (Hey!)

The girl jumped a good foot off the ground in freight.

"Geez! Who the heck are you?"

"Beep, bop boop." (Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.)

The girl blinked.

"You speak beep bop? Haven't heard that in a while. Whats your name?"

Bf hesitated for a second before speaking.

"Skaboop." (Boyfriend.)

The girl paused for a moment, then she burst out laughing. Bf stared in silence, this was not how most people reacted. The girl brought herself together.

"Okay, that is without a doubt the smoothest pickup line I've heard so far." She said, still partly giggling.

"Bop-" Bf sighed. "skaboop." (No- *sigh* Never mind.)

The girl paused as it clicked.

"Oh, your being serious. Well this is awkward."

The two stood in silence before Bf spoke up.

"Beep boop?" (What's your name?)

The girl thought for a moment before giggling.

"This is an all new level of irony, but it's Girlfriend."

Now it was Bf's turn to laugh. Then he held the microphone out.

"Oh, I must have dropped it. Thank you." Girlfriend said as she took it. Then she thought for a minute. "Say... Do you know how to sing?"

"Beep boop skadoop." (My roommate kicked me out of our apartment for singing today.)

"Well, why not I teach you?" Gf responded. "I teach kids at a preschool in my spare time, I'm sure I could teach you!"

"Beep bop." Said Bf. (I can't exactly speak English.)

Gf smiled.

"The lets hit two birds with one stone!"

"Beep boop." (I guess it could be fun.)

The two walked up onto the stage and Gf sat on top of the speaker. Bf decided not to question. Suddenly a faint purple glow lit up the stage before fading away.

"Alright, I'll call out the notes and you just repeat them back." Girlfriend said.

"Beep-" (Notes-?) Bf was cut off by Gf tossing him the microphone and he struggled to catch it as the music started. As he looked up he was in awe as he saw a floating set of arrows.

"Get ready!" Gf called.





Gf: Left, right, left, right.

Bf: ...Does, this, sound, right?

Gf: That's how you do it! Up, down, up, down.

Bf: Try, to, sing, now.

Gf: That's how you do it! Left, up, Down, right!

Bf: Hit, the, notes, right?

Gf: Down, down, up! Down, down, right!

Bf: Speed, it, up! Sing, it right!

Gf: Down, up, right, up, right!

Bf: Sing here tonight! Singing like this with you feels so riiiiiight!

Gf: Good job- look out hard notes!

Bf: Huh- gahgahgahgahgah!

Gf hoped off the speaker as the music stopped. And Bf shook his head to get his bearings.

"Bop bep skadoop." (I have so many questions it's not even funny.)

Before Girlfriend could speak, footsteps echoed through the silent theater.

"Oh funk." Girlfriend mumbled to herself.

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