Husband's priority (3).

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Let's get in.............

Here three person are sleeping peacefully, sunlight spread all across the room through window, but it doesn't affect these people. They are sleeping like a dead person. Yes they are taekook and their beautiful child taegukk.

It's already 9 am but three of them sleeping without caring that their flight is at 12 pm, but they care no their sleep is most important for them. Tae open his eyes with a groan, he felt like more than 100 kg on his body, he tried to sit but look like god is not in his favour, he sighed Frustally and again close his eyes.

After five minutes he again open his eyes and take a deep breath, he turn his face on down and saw four hands caging him in their arms, he was in the middle of the bed and jk and gukk were hugging him from both sides in their protective arms.

He doesn't remember how the hell he come between them as far as he know he was in the left side and gukk was in the middle but a little just a little smile comes on his beautiful petal lips he turn his right side and saw his little cute baby gukk is sleeping peacefully while hugging him and keep his head on tae right chest with a cute pout in his lips as jk always says....

Like father like son, both have literally same habits.

Tae kiss on gukk forehead and turn on his left side where his whole world is sleeping peacefully while hugging him in his veiny and strong arms, and his face was on Tae neck and slightly sucking his neck. His husband got a odd habit of sucking his neck while sleeping look like he is obsessed with his neck. He raise his hand and remove the tracess from jk forehead, that covers his eyes, he kept his face close to his bunny and slightly peak his cheeks near lips. He hugged jk tightly and as a instant jk also hug him.

Tae ( mind) - I am the most luckiest person in the world to got you as my life partner bunny. I love you the most in the world.

He came near jk and whisper slowly in jk ears.

You are the most beautiful thing that i keep inside my heart. My gem, my bunny.

He rubbed his cheeks with jk and again kiss him on his jaw.

Tae don't know how but he doesn't get much nightmares yesterday night, it was like for mere second.

When he saw the news of mickel death yesterday, he felt Little free from his guilt, his fear. He was in his thought then suddenly his eyes went on the clock besides their nightstand, his bambi eyes grew bigger when he saw the time. He shake jk violently from one hand and from other he try to wake up gukk......

Jk pov........

I was in my deep sleep but someone start to shake my body, is earthquake came  my baby....

I open my eyes to see my heart was shaking me while his eyes are big and panic was clearly seen on his face, does something happened?  Did he get nightmares (shock).

No one pov.........

Jk get up from his bed and cupped Tae face with his big hand...

Jk ( serious) heart what happened haa, you you again saw nightmare. He was just asking then gukk also woke up from his sleep and he also rain of questions with Tae just like jk without giving any time to Tae to speak something....

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