Chapter 1

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It had been years since the last time I had been at the Zen'in clan and my heart still missed the sisters. I had grown not only in age but also in appearance. I was thankfully taller than my 9 year old self finally being 18 which meant I was a full fledged adult. Of course the same issues continued to occur, father never bothered with me even with my continued growth with my blood manipulation, every birthday was just me and Nortioshi, I wouldn't include the members of the clan who favour my claim over Norioshi's as in their mind the older I got the more likely I would sway my fathers view on who became the next head. Most members of the clan were still split on who should be the next head of the clan especially with both of our development in our cursed technique.

I still had no intention of ever wanting to lead the Kamo clan, through the years I watched as my brother worked hard day in and day out to get stronger to prove to father and the clan that he can become the next head of the Kamo clan. To think that there were still people that hated my brother burned my blood. Thanks to my brother I was becoming stronger in my own way, During the night I got brother to teach me the basics of blood manipulation.

I was good but I was far from the master that he was as currently he attended Kyoto one of the two jujutsu schools in Japan. It took awhile but before he left he was able to teach me convergence. My signature move was called paper cut, If my blood was able to get onto my opponents body my blood can sink beneath their skin and cause internal cuts in their body. The damage relied on the amount of blood that found its way on their skin. However it is mostly ineffective due to how weak my blood control is.

When Noritoshi left nothing but loneliness remained. He was really the only person who actually cared for me here and now that he was gone I had no one. Day in and day out it would be me practising my blood manipulation, getting beaten by my instructor and living out my days in my room. There was a point in my life were depression got to me. The walls in my bedroom seemed to get closer and closer each passing day as I did the same routine day in and day out. I missed my brother. This feeling of emptiness eventually went away when I found my comfort place.

Father didnt allow me to go to Kyoto with Noritoshi, he said I would be a distraction to my brothers progress and said that I was needed at the clan. I had no use to the clan. He just wanted to halt my progress and keep me close but far. I desperately wanted to get out and explore but I was confined in those walls, or so father thought. Being alone had some benefits, thanks to no one looking after me I was able to wonder around the clans premises endlessly. Thats when I found a place I could sneak out. The area outside of the Kamo clan was a forest and thats where i found my comfort place.

I was sat down in the shade provided by the many giant trees that surrounded me, I munched down on my fried fish and rice watching as the clouds moved by and out of sight. This was my favourite spot, I came here when I just needed an escape from training with my instructors. It was just so peaceful here as a river flowed down the forest which housed many delicious fish that I liked to eat. I had always enjoyed cooking, the freedom that came with it helped with my loneliness and over the years I had become pretty good at making delicious cuisines.

After finishing my food I laid down, taking the two flowers out of my hair, placing them on my chest. The quietness of the forest always was able to keep my head clear, this was my special place and it was going to stay like that. My hand rested on the two flowers that rested against my chest. Even after all this time the Zen'in sisters were still special to me. I wanted to keep my promise. A light breeze hit my face as the heat from the sun above felt nice against my skin, it was a sign to take my forest afternoon nap.

(Y/n): I wish there was a way to get out of here. My blood is supposed to be the thing special about me. But the only thing its done is ruin my life. I wonder what mother would say if she was still alive. How different father would treat me. If only I was stronger, I could leave this stupid clan and do something with my life. Would mother be proud of me?

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