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Hi there, my name is Jayden Johnson, and I'm 17 years old.

I live with my parents and younger siblings.

When I started middle school, everyone picked on me because my body was like a girl body and not the body of a boy.

So, I was bullied throughout middle school. I thought that my luck would get better in high school, but it didn't it only get worse over the years that I was in school.

I would get beat up and get my head dunk into the toilet or get shoved into my locker.

My high school experience was so bad that when I got home and my parents saw I was hurt, the next day, my mom went down to the school, and she was going off on everyone in the principal office.

My mom even gave the principal a piece of her mind, and she cussed everyone out.

Mom pulled me from that school, and we moved away from my bullies.

So now we live in a little community, and everyone seems friendly, and I like it here.

The realtor told us that this used to be a village from years ago, like the older days.

Today, I'm going to start my new school, so I got dressed for today, and I ran downstairs to get some breakfast.

Jayden:"Morning, everyone." I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and hugged all of my siblings.

Mom:"Oh Morning Jayden, sweet, your father already left for his new job early, something about making a great first impression with his new boss." Yeah, we also moved because dad found a new job because his last boss almost tried to do something really bad towards my siblings.

I'm very happy that dad finally found a good boss and company.

Because the last company was like doing scams like stealing money from everything because the people were donating their money to a charity that didn't even exist in the first place.

When my dad found out what happened, he went to the police and he told them everything that was going on in that company.

My parents are very good people they always help those in need.

Hayde:"Jay, please be careful at school, big brother." Hayde is a sweetheart, and she always worried about everyone and everything.

Hayde was born too early, and she was small and tiny, baby. I was afraid of holding her because she was like a parcel doll that is fragile.

I would always make sure that my siblings come first before anyone or any guy that I might date.

Jayden:"Don't worry, Hay, I'll be fine ok bye everyone I'm going to school."

Mom/ siblings:"Bye Jayden." And with that, I lifted for my new school, and hopefully, I don't get bullied like my last school.

When I got to my new school, I started to feel sick to my stomach because I never really had to go to a newer school or anything like that.

I walked into the school doors, and I saw everyone talking and hanging out, and they seemed to be wearing a school uniform or something.

Just then, a girl walked up to me, and I felt nervous because no girl from my old school ever walked up to me before.

Elizabeth:"Hi, I'm Elizabeth or Lizzy. All my friends call me Lizzy, so you must be our new student, so I'm here to show you around the knight high school." Lizzy and I started to walk around the school, and she showed me where the classrooms are and where the cafeteria was.

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