For the Record

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So I wanted to clear something up in case anyone got the wrong idea.

Soooo let's clear up hypothetical ships that in my AU I have.

Starting off. The two Viruses that you may or may not have seen hints on.

Ben x Cody

-If you've read my two other books, The Manors Combine!  And They're just Prey! You might've noticed some tension among the two best friends. Now. While yes I'd definitely ship these two. I wouldn't make them actually date in my regular books. Maybe as a bonus/aftermath chapter when the stories are technically done but never in the actual plot.


Jane x Jeff

-BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING! Just listen to me for a sec. They used to date. That doesn't mean they would ever again. Unless because of some miracle. Which means they'd technically never be together ever again. Jane still has some sort of hole in her heart from his betrayal though. Which is apart of her resentment for him.

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