8. modelling

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The photo shoot set buzzed with energy as Athiya posed effortlessly in front of the camera, her movements fluid and graceful. Maitreyi stood off to the side, her eyes focused on the monitor as she adjusted the lighting and angles, her fingers flying across the keyboard with practiced ease.

As the shoot progressed, the head of the shoot approached Athiya with a concerned expression. "We have a slight problem," he began, his voice tinged with worry. "The other model we had lined up for this shot had to cancel last minute. We're running out of time, and we need someone to fill in."

Athiya's brow furrowed in thought as she considered their options. Then, her gaze drifted over to Maitreyi, who was engrossed in her work nearby. A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of 

Athiya's lips as an idea formed in her mind.

"What about Maitreyi?" Athiya suggested, turning to the head of the shoot with a hopeful expression. "She's right here, and she's incredibly photogenic. Plus, she knows the concept of the shoot inside out."

Maitreyi's eyes widened in surprise as all eyes turned to her, her heart fluttering nervously in her chest. "Oh, I don't know," she stammered, her cheeks flushing with self-consciousness. "I'm not a model, Athiya. I wouldn't want to ruin the shot."

But Athiya waved off her protests with a dismissive gesture. "Nonsense," she insisted, her tone firm. "You're perfect for this, Maitreyi. Trust me."

Maitreyi hesitated for a moment, her insecurities warring with her desire to help out her friend. Finally, she relented with a tentative nod. "Okay, I'll do it," she agreed, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

As the head of the shoot hurried to make the necessary arrangements, Maitreyi felt a surge of nervous anticipation coursing through her veins. She glanced over at Athiya, who offered her an encouraging smile.

"You've got this, Maitreyi," Athiya reassured her, her voice filled with confidence. "Just be yourself, and you'll shine."

With Athiya's words ringing in her ears, Maitreyi took a deep breath and stepped onto the set, ready to face the challenge head-on.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

As Maitreyi stepped onto the set, a mix of excitement and nerves coursed through her veins. The lights seemed to shine brighter, casting a warm glow over the scene as she took her place next to Athiya, who flashed her a reassuring smile.

The photographer adjusted his camera, his eyes alight with anticipation. "Alright, everyone ready?" he called out, his voice echoing across the set. "Let's make some magic!"

With a flurry of activity, the shoot began in earnest. Athiya struck a series of poses, her movements fluid and effortless as she worked her magic in front of the camera. Maitreyi watched in awe, her admiration for her friend growing with each passing moment.

Then, it was Maitreyi's turn. She took a deep breath, willing herself to shake off her nerves as she stepped into the spotlight. The photographer directed her with gentle encouragement, guiding her through the poses with patience and skill.

"Beautiful, Maitreyi!" he called out, his voice filled with admiration. "You're a natural in front of the camera!"

Maitreyi felt a rush of confidence surge through her as she settled into the rhythm of the shoot. With each click of the camera shutter, she felt herself growing more comfortable, more at ease in her own skin.

𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘 - shubman gill ✓Where stories live. Discover now