The witch Piffi part 3

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Piffi and Petter ran as fast as they could. The whimperfoot wasn't very fast, but it had large, long legs. It came closer and closer, bombarding Piffi and Petter with blobs of spit and cobwebs.

«Yuck!» screamed Piffi when she got hit in the hair.

Petter got cobwebs and spit all over his head. It ran down his face. «UGH!» He couldn't see anything and ran zigzag back and forth.

«Hey, watch out!» shouted Piffi. But it was too late. Petter ran – BAM – right into a tree.

«Help!» he wailed as he fell backward. He lay on his back with his legs straight up in the air.

«Hurry!» shouted Piffi. «Come on!»

Piffi tried to pull him up. Petter got to his feet but fell again. He tried again and fell.

«What's wrong with you?» screamed Piffi. «Can't you stand?»

«I'm dizzy!» shouted Petter.

«Oh, come on,» shouted Piffi. «Before that giant beast catches us again!»

Piffi managed to pull Petter to his feet, but it was just in time, and they ran full speed toward Piffi's house.

«Mama!» screamed Piffi. «MAMA!»

Mrs. Rosenkrans came running out the door.

«What is it?» she shouted, looking around in alarm. «Why are you screaming like that? Is there an earthquake?»

«Mama!» screamed Piffi. She waved her arms wildly to get rid of all the cobwebs that had landed on her head.

«It's a whimperfoot, help us!»

«A whimperfoot?" said her mother in surprise. «But they aren't dangerous. They're just small and cute.»

«Not this one!» shouted Piffi. «It's as big as a giant! Just look there!»

«Oh my goodness!» Mrs. Rosenkrans shouted in fright when she saw the whimperfoot.

«What a monster! But just wait. I know how to make it small again!»

The ground shook as the whimperfoot came stomping. One of its huge hairy legs reached out to grab Petter, but then Mrs. Rosenkrans shouted, «RATTIUM!»

She quickly waved her magic wand and KABOOM – the gigantic whimperfoot turned into a tiny little white ...rat.

«Hooray mama! You did it!» Piffi shouted happily. She threw her arms around her mother's neck and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

«Yuck!» snorted Petter. «I'm glad I'm a boy.»

«Why's that?» asked Piffi.

«Well,» said Petter, «because we boys are tough. We don't kiss, you know.»

«But look at yourselves!»

Mrs. Rosenkrans grabbed Piffi's black hair and lifted it up. Long slimy threads of spit and cobwebs hung from the ends.

«Blah!» said Petter, making a face. «It smells like...vomit!»

«And you!» hissed Piffi. "You smell too!"

«That's enough!» shouted Mrs. Rosenkrans. «You both smell the same!»

Petter wiped his face and his fingers got sticky.

«I can't go home like this,» he said. «My mom will think I'm a monster!»

«Yeah, right!» said Piffi.

The witch PiffiWhere stories live. Discover now