Chapter 2

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Mo Yuan has been battling with the demons for a week now. It has been one hell of a battle as more monsters and demons were summoned during the war. He saw how they died yet they've been restacking their warriors for the whole week.

On his side all his disciples that were present during war was still alive and strong although a large portion of heavenly soldiers were injured the deaths are much lesser than the side of the demons.

The skies were roaring with thunder as he summoned his sword and fought with all his might. The demon overlord has been recuperating for w days as he almost died when he struck his heart sadly, his companions came in time to shield their lord from him when he was about to attack him again.

Mo Yuan was mad, furious, tired and exhausted. The was was still ongoing though they've been changing warriors everyday for them to rest and recuperate. However, the damages are still not enough as either sides were not thinking of giving up. The demons released a lot of ferocious beasts for four days straight now and almost none were still alive. If Mo Yuan's estimation was right the war would end in two days. He was assuming that the demon lord will cease the war as their beasts were nowhere to be found and the demon soldiers were killed faster than the heavenly soldiers. If they run of beasts to release, they would totally call for him to stop.

Mo Yuan was now meditating inside their camp as his spiritual power was badly damage. He was really skillful as he avoided almost all the attacks of the demon overlord. But the demon overload was someone who shouldn't be underestimated. He uses dirty tricks to win and fool his enemies to his benefits. Mo Yuan was posoined yesterday as the demon overlord slashed him with his sword on his left arm. Luckily it was not that deep because if he was strucked a little deeper by the sword he must have fell and went rigid after the fight.

The demon lord's sword contained "still poison". It was a poison that will make your enemy rigid and their veins would rapidly move causing the internals of one's body to be in a mess. His spiritual power would also be messed up as the poison sticks deeply yo one's body. Luckily, Mo Yuan dodged in a time. His high spiritual power also help him to neutralize the poison while fighting with the demon lord.

The demon lord was quite shock as he didn't expect that Mo Yuan was perfectly fine fighting in front of him that made him lose his focus. That was when Mo Yuan stabbed him almost directly on his heart. After what happened he immediately contacted through his senses his companions that means his endangered and they arrived
in time this resulted in his escape from Mo Yuan. Mo Yuan was actually glad that the demon overlord escaped with his comrades to heal him and his disciples also arrived after the demon lord's companion came. He was also not in a condition to exert so much power as his internals was such a mess. He needed to treat the poison and meditate for several hours for it to completely vanish.

He was in the middle of his meditation when one of his disciples entered and was rather scared and anxious at the same time. "Shifu, a lot of beasts were out this time. The beasts were tripled than the last time and they were much powerful and ferocious than the lasts ones. What should we do shifu?"

Hearing this Mo Yuan thought exactly
the same and grinned from the
information that his disciples now

"Gather all the soldiers that are not on duty and those that are done recuperating and send them to help the others. If I am right this will be the last stage of the Demon's overlord plan. If we finish and kill those beasts and those damn demon soldiers the war would definitely cease. Gather them now and I'll lead the formation."

His disciples bowed and followed his instructions. He called and told every soldiers and the general in charge everything that his shift said.

Mo Yuan on the other hand went infront to lead the formation and took over the command from his first disciple. He immediately told them to take down the beasts and surround them as it will be much easier if all of
them were together.

The fight lasted for almost a day again and the area was getting clearer. It was in the middle of the afternoon but hazy smokes were filled in the air as the beasts let out howls fire and other elements that would weaken his enemy. Luckily, Mo Yuan encountered with this beasts before therefore he had a briefing with his soldiers what to expect and what to do with those beasts. He thought them some skills and spells to defend their lungs and Kung fu while inhaling the fog therefore it didn't affect them a bit which made the beasts angrier as the heavenly soldiers get stronger instead.

Through the years, Mo Yuan still didn't found a spell or medication that
will enable him to withstand the "still
poison" the poison sounds so simple yet it was so hard to make that it was only used during wars or any special events that needs someone to show his or her capability. The one who invented the poison sadly died as the poison he made was the same poison that caused his death. It was rumored that his student killed him in purpose and stole the recipe of the poison. Sadly, the student was also killed later during the last war but the recipe was passed down among demons and there were still no cure for it.

If anyone was slashed the way Mo Yuan was slashed earlier he would
have already died as his body couldn't
take the pressure and his veins would
probably burst in a span on three
minutes. Mo Yuan's injury was really
small that it looks like he just fell
somewhere and bruised his arms.

Mo Yuan still felt lucky as only the
demon lord was the one who can
make the poison. It needed someone's
cultivation to make the poison and it's
ingredients were so rare and hard to
find that almost everyone give up to
make this poison. The poison was really unique as you can put it on dishes and no one will notice it at all. It was colorless and tasteless it was like a water but with one drop it can be mixed with a food that has a large amount. If it was mixed with food, there are several ways to die. The person who ate the food that was poisoned may die while sleeping or he would be paralyzed for days before dying, coughing blood for consecutive days, vomiting and many more. It differs to the amount of food that was intake and the cultivation and spiritual power of the person.

His mind now came back to the cleared field in front of his as there
were no signs of life in those lying
beasts-they were lifeless. Mo Yuan's
instinct and intuition was right as the
demon lord ceased the war and
surrendered. Making their side the
winner of the war. But he knew better
as long as the demon overlord was alive he would definitely gather and improve his battalion again. But seeing the deaths and the damages on the demons side, it would atleast take a thousand of years before another was will be waged. There was almost no survivors in his enemies camp as the heavenly soldiers launched attacks that would kill demons and beasts in the specific area.

The soldiers celebrated triumphantly
and immediately got ready to go home. Those who were injured was helped by their fellow comrades and was send back to the heavenly realms first to receive better treatment. Those who died were carried and will be presented a burial for the next few days.

His disciples, the commander the
general and himself scattered and tried to purify the air and aura on the battle field to ensure that the Demon's aura will be gone for good. The demons who died and the beasts were not collected by their companions and was left in the battlefield which made them clear the mess.

They were almost done and checked
the surrounding area again just to make sure. Mo Yuan's disciple already
headed back to the mountain as some of them were injured. He wanted then to rest and get treated first as he can handle himself.

After he finished checking the surroundings it was almost night time. It was five in the afternoon if he's right. He was satisfied with the result and he was getting ready to go back to Kunlun Mountain.

He cloud jumped and was still near the battle field when he felt that his energy has depleted and he was tired and his power were out of sync.

He suddenly fell from the cloud and landed on a nearby forest.

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