Chapter six: the plan

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Yeji tried to occupy her mind while helping her mother in the kitchen, but as much as she wanted to forget it, she couldn't get the fact that Shin Ryujin was the name of the person behind her pregnancy, out of her head.

"What's his name?" Her mother made her get out of her thoughts, while she helped her by taking down some plates from the cabinet.

"What?" Yeji asked, a little confused.

"The name of your child's father. Your boyfriend, Yeji." The woman asked her and Yeji just said the first name that came to her mind.


But that wasn't just a random name, that was the name of one of Jaehyun's friends, who had always flirted with her, even when she was his friend's girlfriend.

She didn't even know why she had said that name, but now, the only thing she knew was that she should have a long conversation with him, after having ignored his messages after a long time. 

Maybe he could help her for a few months, just so her mother would have peace of mind.

"Oh, and when will you bring him home? When can we meet him? I want it to be as soon as possible." The woman said again, in a serious tone of voice, looking at Yeji, while she tried to avoid her mother's inquisitive gaze.

"I'll talk to him, mom. Maybe it can be next week." Yeji told her and the woman nodded.

"Sounds perfect to me. So we can talk about the wedding."

On the other hand, Ryujin was thinking about everything that was happening, while her girlfriend was talking to her, but until now, she had not been able to hear anything she had told her.

"Are you listening to me, Ryu?" Yeju asked and Ryujin blinked slowly, before looking at her and nodding.

"Y-Yes. Of course." She said with a smile and Yeju smiled, pecking her lips.

"Great, then I'll call the girls. Today we can go to that club and then we can go somewhere else where we'll be alone." 

The girl whispered the last part in her ear and Ryujin gulped as she remembered that she had not yet been with Yeju in a sexual way, while she fucked her older sister, just a few hours after meeting her.

"Yeju, I think-"

"Shhhh..." The girl put her finger on Ryujin's lips and approached her face, smirking. "I know what you're going to tell me, that we should wait longer or whatever, but I don't want to wait any longer, Ryu. I want you to be my first time."

Ryujin gulped again before feeling her girlfriend's lips press against hers, but the kiss didn't last long, when someone was heard clearing her throat.

Yeju rolled her eyes and separated from Ryujin, when she saw that it was her mother, who was approaching the table with plates on her hands.

"Yeju, help us bring the rest." The woman said, glaring at her, as Yeji came behind her, to approach the table as well.

The youngest rolled her eyes again and snorted, getting up from her seat, to go to the kitchen. Her mother put some plates on the table and then walked away from it to go do the rest, while Yeji began to arrange the dishes.

Without the need to look at her, Yeji could feel Ryujin's gaze on her, so she looked up, made eye contact for a few seconds, and then quickly glanced at the kitchen.

"What happened between you and me that night never happened, okay?" Yeji said in a low voice, not looking at Ryujin, as she organized the cutlery in front of her.

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