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The next morning, I awoke up with harry's legs wrapped around mine. he snored softly and I watched him. There was nothing else i could do. I didn't want to give in to my desires and pull him into a kiss. Atleast not when I'm injured. I'd do it at the big ben. Or the Eiffel tower? Or Tokyo? Anywhere where our group wasn't wanted by the cops and the thugs at the same time. Florida was a good idea too. Maybe Atlantic City?

I groaned in low tone as the stab in my arm from yesterday stung like a bitch. I didn't have the chance to change from the clothes I'd put on three days ago. Probably.

My arm limbs were uncovered by a white tshirt, that obviously smelled of blood, sweat, spit. But i couldn't care less. I had it paired with  beautiful pink palazzo pants. The dress made me fit in the crowd but Kylie was so different. She loved staying hideous.

I glanced down at my neck staring at my chain with our locket attached to it. A bracelet with the same "pentagon" locket adorned my hand.

The hotel phone startled my deep thoughts and Harry woke up from his slumber. "Do you think someone has found out?" That was the first question he asked as he sat upright.

"No one can. They don't have pictures of us. Not the thugs, not the cops. And Kylie would definitely not spill anything out."

"How are you so sure Harry, What if they forced her? "

"After all this time, If you still don't trust her. I don't think you deserve to stay in pentagon anymore." Ouch, Those words stuck to my heart, they hurt more than the stabbing pain on my right arm. 

The two years we've worked together, I've always tried to make everyone feel like they belonged but i wasn't gifted with the ability of trust. Doubting my own teammate was second nature to me, a defense mechanism ingrained in my blood. I couldn't blame Harry for spewing the truth.

"I'm not sorry for doubting her. Anything can happen Harry. You can't trust anyone."

"I am trusting you right now, Am i not?" He asked as he stood to make his flannel shirt wrinkle free as if his hand would magically iron it.

"We have other ways out of this. We have plan 210." He continued speaking as he tried to ignore the buzzing of the hotel landline.

"What if it's tyler? It could be tyler. Or yelena. We should pick it up." I say literally avoiding his plan 210.

Harry sighed and walked over to the phone. "Alright, but be ready to run if it's bad news." He picked up the receiver and pressed it to his ear.

"Hello?" he said cautiously. There was a pause, and I held my breath, watching his face for any signs of trouble. His eyes widened slightly, and then he relaxed. "Tyler, thank God. Yeah, we're okay. No, we haven't been followed. What's the plan?"

"Listen carefully," Tyler's hoarse voice from the other side spoke, He sounded like he was in some sort of pain. Did they find out?

"Stay in the motel. I've been cornering you and the cops are out of sight for now. I'll handle them. Yelena is lost. Kylie is lost. As soon as the coast is clear, I'll give you guys a call. Don't leave the room, Stay right there." 

"Tyle, Are you okay?" I ask grabbing the phone, my voice soft enough to make him wince at it. My voice was as painful as his and we didn't have to hide anything from each other. He was one of us.

"It's just hard. Disguising myself as a detective in the police academy while all of you are hanging, Wanted by the drug lord. It hurts me when i can't do anything for you guys."

He was wrong. He was completely, entirely wrong. If it weren't for tyle, we wouldn't have lasted a day doing what we're meant to be doing. He is ours, He wasn't the only one who's needed protection.

I didn't tell him all that instead i just say, "Todos te queremos. Te necesitamos. no te rindas."

"We'll get back to kylie and yelena. Don't worry. I promise you that." I couldn't specifically trust harry when he'd say that but when tyle tell me that it gives me hope. It gives me belief that pentagon is doing the right thing.

I hung up and turned to him. "We wait. Tyler's got our backs."

The waiting was the worst part. Anything could happen to Kylie while she's there with the drug lord. Yelena could be spun by whoever she was taken by. Tyler could be caught by his teammates. Harry and I could be tracked by ethan once more. 

My head rolled around the possibilities of everything that could happen, I sigh apologising to harry for not trying to trust kylie and he was alright with it. 

"Do you want to play another game while out previous one lasts?" He asks and i smirk at him as he sits on the bed with his phone pointed towards me.

"Oh hell yes. This is going to be fun while it lasts." And that is how we passed the time i rather would have spent overthinking about my life decisions.

Afterall, I was also just a teenager living.

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