Left Empty Handed

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"Bad times are just an illusion for the good times to show their face."

"Lara! Are you ready yet," Monica yelled up the steps as she rummaged through her pocketbook and checked her look in the mirror. With blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, Monica was a stunning lady decked out in designer jeans and high heels. Her white crop top made her tan look as if she glowed in the dark. She was a very refined lady with not a hair out of place.

"We don't need to rush," Skip said in jest as he walked by her and kissed her on the neck. Skip was also a well-dressed man with a very distinguished look. His dark hair and tall physique made them look like the perfect couple.

She turned to him and put her hand to his face, "You know how I am. I have to be ready to go early so that we can show up fashionably late." She smiled and kissed him on his lips.

"That's one of those quirks that get me about you," Skip answered as he looked up the steps.

Lara was finally ready and she was making her entrance. Skip nodded with a smile on his face as he watched Lara come down the stairs. Her long brown hair flowed over her shoulders and accentuated her green eyes.

"There you are baby," Monica put her hands to her mouth as a tear came to her eyes.

"Mom, I'm not a baby anymore," Lara protested.

"You'll always be my baby," Monica quickly corrected.

"Are you ready for your big day," Skip asked with an adoring look at the little lady standing in front of him.

"I think so," Lara answered. She was thirteen and she was getting ready to graduate Junior High. It was a big deal for her because she had struggled with school most of her life. All she knew was that her father had died on a mission. Even learning about it at a young age, it was hard for her to handle. Each year getting harder and harder. She was just starting to get over it and move past the pain.

Making it through the eighth grade was quite an achievement. Skip and Monica had been pulling extra hard for her to simply get through each grade year after year. But now, she would be leaving Junior High and going to High School. It was a very special day.

Monica gave her a huge hug and then, she stood back from her daughter so that she could study her face while she ran her fingers through her hair. Lara had the saddest eyes even though her face was trying to smile. Monica could see the sadness and if she could do anything, she'd take it all away. She would just have to do it one hug at a time.

That's when they heard the knock on the door. They looked around at each other with curious looks on their faces. Who would be coming to their house at this time in the morning? Who was getting company just before the Junior High graduation?

Skip answered the door to find two Marines wearing Dress Blues, "Can I help you?"

By then, Monica and Lara were at the door. The Marines looked at Monica and one of them asked, "Are you Monica Kayd?"

Monica hadn't heard that name for some time, "Um, I used to be. I'm Monica Webber now."

The Marine followed up, "Were you married to Captain Haven Kayd, ma'am?"

"Yes. Yes, I was. What is this about," Monica looked back and forth between the two Marines with concern.

"Mom, what's going on," Lara asked as she looked at her mother and then at the Marines standing on her porch.

"Your husband has been located and is being transported to the States as we speak," one Marine started to inform.

Monica studied both the Marines in silence as she took in what she had just heard. Then, she hesitated to ask, "He's...he's alive?" She put her hand to her heart and tears filled her eyes.

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