Chapter 6: A Companion..? (3)

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It's been so long, and I know I skipped a lot.

BTW, I write this so I could also read it 🫂

I luv you my readers.

(let's become emo together)

The sound of the birds singing outside the window was louder than usual for Adam.

The bright yet warm sunlight light up the room, indicating that it's already morning.

Not used to this kind of situation in the morning, Adam slowly open up his eyes and instantly face to face with Reynold.

He froze for a moment out of confusion but then remember he had slept in Reynold's room last night because it's his brother's wish for his birthday.

He notice how relax and happy his brother is while sleeping, and he can't help but form a subtle smile.

He carefully get up and leave the bed, not wanting to wake up his brother who seem to be having a good sleep.

Adam knew his brother likes to sleep until noon, and he won't do anything to bother his sleep.

Seeing that Reynold isn't even aware about his absence beside him, he's sure that Reynold wouldn't be sad about his disappearance.

He should know no one wake up in the noon like him.

'I should immediately return back.'

Without any further delay, he walked out of the room and follow the guard who's been waiting for him outside this whole time.

Adam can be quite curious sometimes, but he doesn't bother to ask as the people around him always said his voice is annoying.

He was expecting to be brought to the underground or lab again.

Unexpectedly, he was brought right to his parent's office.

Upon opening the door, the guard immediately shove Adam inside and close the door.

It's not like he mind about that, he's sure that's how human always tell others to go inside quickly.

Seeing the usual look from his parents, he immediately kneel down.

"I greet my masters."



Adam unconsciously sigh after seeing a vase was thrown right infront of him.

A few of the sharp broken pieces pierced into his knees, causing it to bleed.

With a look of disdain, his mother step on his head with her heel.

"Why are you getting slower than usual? Does that useless kid's slow brain affected you too?"

"We can't have our best asset to become like that."


Listening to his parents disapproval and the feet on his head is one thing, but for them to talk bad about Reynold....

Raising his head, he push away his mother's foot and finally speak with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Reynold is not slow, master."


"T-This kid-!"

His mother pull her foot away from his grasp then proceed to kick him in the face.

He didn't flinch and decide to stay in place after getting kick so hard.

It's quite surprising her kick is this strong, considering her stick like body.

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