partner in crime? nah cries

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CHAPTER 7*                                                
Don't be distracted", I suddenly snap out of my thinking and look at Ivan. I stare at him for a second and nod. Then without thinking I say, "You are supposed to pay attention to the teacher not to me". He grins and we get back to our boring lesson. This is my second year studying architecture and its so fucking hectic sometimes I think why I chose this in the first place. The teacher catches my attention then, "You all have 5 days and you have to prepare a model and this is supposed to be dual work; select your partners and I am sorry to say this on short notice but this model will hold maximum marks for your upcoming examinations." Everyone is so loud in the class now. This is wrong 5 days are nothing and we have 2 months lefts before we enter our third year, life's hellllllll. "So at my house, partner?" I smile before nodding. The bell rings finally and I get up, Ivan gets out of his desk and I pack my bag. He is staring at me I know that without even looking at him and it makes me nervous. I pack it as quick as I can and get out my desk and start walking, Ivan follows me. We collect the material for our model and get out of our college. We both sit in my car and I start the ignition and when no one speaks I come inside my head. Ivan had stayed the night at my place and even though I didn't admit it to him I am so fucking thankful to him I didn't want to stay in that house. It has pictures everywhere. My hoodie had come back especially to drop me here for my college and that was the last time I saw him, 2 years ago. We had our first sex that night and it used to be my best day I think it still is. Then in my second semester my mum confessed to me there  how she was forced to take care of me and she doesn't want to be in touch with me because her ex husband doesn't like that and they are moving together again. That house is everything and even though my own parents weren't really inside it but it still matters because this house belonged to my grandmother which was passed down to my mother and now to me. This was the reason I had applied for college in this city and yesterday it felt like all the people associated with this house are no longer alive and I needed someone and Ivan was everything I could wish for.

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