Umm hey?

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CHAPTER 8*                                                       
"That's enough, Iris; We are working since we came back. I am hungry and you are too unless you are an alien." That's right I am hungry too but just a little bit is left and I am enjoying doing it. Me and Ivan have already decided and drawn out the entire setup and now we were just finalizing the products which are supposed to be added and how they are supposed to be added when Ivan snatched the foam board from me and started his lecture. "I know we are supposed to eat but I will only get up after finalizing it so it's better you give the foam board back to me." I say without looking up at him and I regret it so much because I missed his expression when he said, "What if I don't?" I raise my eyebrows and sit on my knees on the couch and try to snatch it from him. He stands up and gives me a wide mocking grin. "Give it to me, now", I say getting frustrated now because I don't want to stop working it acts like a distraction and I don't think about my hoodie but even here I am not being honest because my eyes were half the time on my phone expecting a text popping out on my screen and saying I miss you and I am sorry but it doesn't come and everytime it doesn't my heart drops from a different level. I stand up on the couch and I finally reach to his height. He is even taller than my hoodie who was 5'9. I am 5'5 and I feel even more inferior to Ivan but right now I am his equal and I won't fail. I try to snatch the board again but fail. Now I am looking at him with clenched jaw, narrow eyes and raised eyebrows with my lips in a pout. Ivan is staring at me now. He is looking at my lips and I withdraw my pout instantly. He then looks at my eyes and says, "it's late, eat something please." His voice catches me off guard. I have never heard this deep and breathy voice of him and I am too shocked to reply, I keep staring at him with a confused expression when he moves back and keeps the board on the table and leave. Finally I complete what I was supposed to finish and get off the couch. I knock at Ivan's bedroom door, I don't know why he went here he said he was hungry. "It's open", I hear Ivan say; his voice sounds eager now. I open his door to half and peek inside. "You said you were hungry what are you doing here now?" He gets up from his bed and nothing is out of place I can't figure out what he was doing. He shakes head and walks to the exit just when I am about to close the door I notice one thing out of place which is now on the bed where Ivan was sitting, me and Ivan's college first year photo.

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