Turqouise (Maybe???)

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Species: Wolf

Name: Turquoise (still looking for other names)

Past Names: none

Appearance: orange with a white underbelly and (kinda) face, white markings covering his paws, and white under his tail.

Personality: A real wimp that cant handle injuries because of how sensitive he is. He is also big crybaby, but real cuddly and affectionate. Maybe a little tooooooo much.

Pack: MeadowPack

Role: Hunter

Past Roles: Trainee/Apprentice

Mate: Still thinking about it, but leaning towards Dandelion.

Past Crush/Crush: none

Kin: Still thinking

Mentor/Past Mentor: Still thinking


Fanart: noooone

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Fanart: noooone

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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