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2 Years Ago

The sharp sting of a slap echoed through the sterile hallways of the MI7 headquarters. Vice, barely seventeen at the time, felt the heat rising in his cheeks but remained stoic. He'd learned early on that showing weakness was a surefire way to become a target.

"Focus, Vice!" Colten Myers barked, his voice dripping with disdain. "You can't afford mistakes in this line of work."

Vice nodded, gritting his teeth. Colten was his superior, but there was no respect between them. Colten had always been condescending, always looking for ways to undermine Vice. He was a man with a dark, malicious aura, and Vice could never shake the feeling that he was hiding something sinister.

Meanwhile, Kai, Vice's twin brother, was training under Antakio Brents. Antakio was everything Colten was not: fair, supportive, and genuinely invested in his trainees. The contrast was stark, and Vice often found himself envying Kai's luck in mentors.

One fateful day, Colten summoned Vice to his office. The room was dimly lit, with shadows clinging to the corners. Colten leaned back in his chair, a twisted smile playing on his lips.

"Got a new mission for you, Vice," he said, sliding a file across the desk. "Black market trade interception. We've got intel on a major transaction happening tonight. You're to intercept and gather any valuable information."

Vice opened the file and scanned the details. It seemed straightforward enough, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Colten's dark green eyes gleamed with an unsettling intensity, and Vice felt a chill run down his spine.

The mission was brutal. Vice and his team infiltrated the black market, navigating through the shadows and filth. It was there, amidst the chaos, that Vice stumbled upon a horrifying sight: a tiny, malnourished baby girl, barely a few months old, wrapped in dirty rags, being treated as contraband.

His heart wrenched. He couldn't leave her there. Ignoring protocol, Vice fought his way through the guards and rescued the child. He named her Carla and vowed to protect her with his life.

When he returned to MI7, clutching Carla to his chest, Colten was livid.

"What is this?" Colten spat, glaring at the baby as if she were a grotesque abomination. "You were supposed to gather intel, not bring back a liability!"

"She's not a liability," Vice retorted, his voice trembling with suppressed rage. "She's a human being. A baby. And she's staying with me."

Colten's eyes narrowed, and Vice saw a flicker of something dark and dangerous in his gaze. "We'll see about that," he muttered before storming off.


Over the next few weeks, Vice kept a close watch on Carla, ensuring she was safe. Colten, however, seemed to be waiting for an opportunity. That chance came when Vice and Kai were tasked with a crucial mission: infiltrating Ally and Co to rescue their kidnapped spy brethren. It was a legitimate mission, but Colten saw it as a perfect opportunity to rid himself of Carla.

"Vice, Kai," Antakio Brents said, briefing them on the mission. "We've got reliable intel that our spies are being held by Ally and Co. Your task is to get in, find them, and bring them back safely."

Vice and Kai nodded, determined to succeed. They left for the mission, unaware of the horrors that awaited Carla in their absence.


When Vice and Kai returned from the mission, they rushed to Carla's room, eager to see her. What they found shattered their hearts. Carla was pale, barely conscious, and covered in bruises. Her once bright eyes were now dull and lifeless. She had been subjected to horrific experiments, deprived of food, love, and care.

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