Chapter Eight 18+

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After the kiss, Faye pulled away. She smiled and looked at his partly closed eyes. The water reached her neck and she began to hover her head over the water. Her her hair danced under the waves with whatever pull her body made. He watched her and he smiled. "Taking things slow... right?" Faye said with a sly smirk.

"I decided to change my mind..."

"I didn't decide weather I wanted you to change your mind." Wayne laughed and nodded his head.

"Alright. I'll stick with my promise that I didn't want to make in the first place." Faye smiled and swam up to him. He lifted her up and put her on his back. "Are you cold?" He asked kindly.

"Only a little. Not when I have you, though." Wayne smiled shyly and looked at the large trees. "Your last name, what is it? I heard that it was Blitz, and is Wayne your real name?" Faye asked calmly. "Or is it some fakie?" Wayne cooked his head over his shoulder and stared at her eyes. He saw the imprints of those brown, brown eyes. And those bright, bright whites.

"My real name is Felip. I don't like it though. A poor man's Philip spelled like P. H. I. L. I. P. My last name... Blitz. Felip Blitz. I don't have a middle name, Pearl." Faye laughed at him remembering her middle name. "I know your name though. Faye Cedars."

"How did you find out my last name?"

"The Phone book. I was just looking through that's all. I just saw your address. But that is your foster parents last name, isn't it? You don't know your biological last name?"

"My biological last name is Pearl. My parents just decided to have it be my middle instead. Then I took on their last name." Wayne nodded his head with a confused expression. He had dark grey eyes, she saw them and it reminded her of pale, greay mountains. Faye continued to stare at him, he seemed to not stop either. His hands were around her thighs and her thighs were around his waist. Faye's arms were wrapped around his neck, and his toned back was pressed along her stomach. He smiled carefully, and blinked slowly.

"Everytime I get close to you like this... I wanna kiss you." He said with a blunt yet nervous tone.

"Too bad. This is your own fault, you know? Mr. Kentucky..." a slight pause woken, "Do you miss your mom?" Faye asked gently.

"Yeah I miss my mom a lot." Faye began to turn her body and now her stomach was touching his chest. Her legs were spread open against his hips. Her hands were on the back of his neck as she hoverd off of him. He looked down at her chest and began to slowly look up from there. Her boney and dainty collarbones, her thin and slender neck. Her bright lips that shined from the moonlit water. Her red under eyes and her small freckles and her pointy ears. Her thick haired and thinly shaped eye brows and the small pimples on her cheek and forehead matching with her long dark brown hair. "She would like you. I think you would like her."

Faye stared at him. His sharpening eyes, and strong nose and jaw. Arched eye brows, and eyes that were a greyish-blue tint. His cupids bou obve his lip, and the pink undertone on them. His skin was clear yet still rough looking. He had a scar across the bridge of his nose. "How did you get this?" She took her index finger and dragged it along the scar above his nose.

He didn't close his eyes or look at the finger dancing itself along the scar; He just stared at her wandering and curious, curious eyes. "I got that when I eleven. I was... hanging out with my dad while he was fishin'. He swinged the rod and it... scratched up my face. My momma only had enough aloe vera to put on other parts of my face. I had some on my forehead, and my eye brow. So this part scarred pretty badly. You don't like it?"

"I don't mind... I have scars on my face too." This gave him a reason to look closely to her skin. But he already was... he didn't need a reason to look at her face. 

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