TWENTY THREE | Godzilla and Mothra

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Heaven and Hell

                                         ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓GODZILLA AND MOTHRA┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛Heaven and Hell

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                ───── ◦'𖥸'◦ ─────

                                  RUBY threw the blue flamed piece hex bag she had sat on fire, on the ground. She had left Sam back at the barn asleep. She turned slowly, looking for the man she summoned. "Ruby." Turning quick, there he was.

"Alastair," she greeted.

"I have to say," he says, "I'm surprised to find you out in the open like this."

"Yeah? Desperate times," she replies. Alastair clicked his tongue and nodded, "That they are. You looking for this?" Pulling the demon killing knife out from behind his back, he held it up in front of Ruby — who was shocked to see him have it. She was under the impression the brothers had only lost the knife, "Your ganky human friend gave it to me."

"Keep it. I just came to talk," she tells him.

"About what? About how a demon is protecting an angel? We really must revoke your membership." Alastair commented, putting the knife behind his back once more. "Look, I know I'm not employee of the month, but this — I never wanted to get in the middle of this."

"Why are you here, Ruby?" Alastair asks her, eager to cut to the chase. "I'll give you the angel."

"Will you? And in return?"

"I walk away. Me, Allison, and the Winchester boys, both of them. This Angel business is none of our business." she replies.

"You know . . ." he trails off, "I'd always heard you were a devious cowardly little slut. You don't disappoint."

"So, what do you say?" she asks him.

"It's interesting . . . prudent," Suddenly, two demons appeared behind Ruby and grabbed her, "But, uh . . . let me make you a . . . counteroffer." As he says this, he slowly drags the demon blade across her cheek.

───── ◦'𖥸'◦ ─────

Euphoric. That was the word that best matched how the two were feeling. Dean laid awake, holding Allison to his chest and rubbed circles in her back while she slept. He didn't know what it meant for them but he was gonna take advantage of it for as long as he could. He had been in such bliss that he completely forgot about his brother, Ruby, and Anna in the barn.

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