0. The day after I died.

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You weren't sure what happened. One moment you had been standing on the street admiring the overcast sky, the next moment a loud shock sounded. Blinking once, now you were here.

Wherever 'here' was.

The first thing you noticed was how short your vision was. Looking down, you were tiny, having the stature of a toddler. You looked around in your unfamiliar environment—a strange scene.


But a familiar name.

Looking around, you hobbled towards the person who had called out your name. A woman of similar appearance to your mother walked into your field of vision and was carrying a laundry basket. She had strange translucent spirits floating around her holding up various items of clothing. This perturbed you, and the response was translated into the language of a toddler.

A blank stare crossed your face as your 'mother' started to panic, quickly putting down her housework to try and comfort your sudden deviation from normal behaviour.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" She cupped your face as those floating spirits got closer to your face. They looked a bit cute, like little shadowy floating emoticons. Now seeing them up close, they hadn't done anything nefarious, and that calmed your response to where you asked her about them.

"W-what are those?" You stuttered to get out the words.

"honey, you've already seen them a lot. It's your friends you see? You love them!" The woman let one of the spirits dance in her hand, a permanent smile plastered on its blue flickering body like the flames of a soul. Looking at the jolly creature dance in her hand calmed you down.

"Oh... Okay..." You were absolutely stun locked.

What was this?

Everything flew over your head until it finally started to sink in.

There was only one thing it could be, calling the current paranormal activity normal. You weren't at home that's for sure.

You're in what was a joke of a fictional story -- made reality.


Welcome to the world, (Y/N) (L/N)

You had never really thought about your first memories in your first life. The feeling was unexplainable. One moment you were bashing toys together, and then, just, were. It you took a long time to adjust to this.

Currently, you were that toddler that had just spawned a consciousness, but not of a new and fresh mind.

Sitting on the couch while dazed, you had not accepted that this was reality.

It had to be some elaborate recreation of a world from the mind. A haze induced by the surreal events created a dream-like feeling of waking from somnambulism.

You stared into the nothingness of the plain wall that lay in front of you. Slowly, you curled up into a ball and sat there as the world weighed on you like a lead blanket, dragging down your being gripping down at your chest. Everything in your previous life amounted to this.

Reverting into a child as if your achievements in your past life were merely sounds of syllables to be said and held no value.

That night you contemplated yourself to sleep, confused and anxious.

That existential nature of yours may have been the only reminder that you were still in fact --you.

After having been trying to figure out where in the world you were and how things worked, there were some things you were sure of.

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