Finney Blake- Baseball

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I was sitting on the bleachers next to Gwen while watching Finneys baseball game. Donna sat in front of me and since it was really windy today, her hair kept hitting me in the face, which was disgusting.Once it was time for the opponent team go hit, which was Bruce's team, Finney got into the pitchers position. Finney managed to strike 2 people out. One more person and Finneys team would win. Finney looked down getting his glove ready, he looked back up to see Bruce. Bruce was a really good hitter, I could see the stress in Finneys eyes. 

1st pitched: STRIKE!

Me and Gwen cheered, and I yell "Do it again Finn!"

2nd pitch: STRIKE! 

"1 More time Finney, you can do it!" I yelled 

3rd pitch: (SMACK)

Bruce hit the ball over the fence making it a home run, Bruce slowly ran the bases smiling at Finney. Which made Finney angrier then he already was about losing. After the game, the other team had won and Finney felt a wave of embarrassment come over him, he shoved his glove into his baseball bag and walked out of the cage. I got off the bleachers about to run over to him but Donna beat me to it. 

"You did amazing Finney! You'll get him next time" Donna said pretty much smuggling him. "Uh.. thanks i guess donna?" Since Finney was busy with Donna, I went over to Bruce to congratulate him for winning. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around "Good job out there today Bruce! That was a good hit" I said grinning "Thanks y/n!" He smiled. 

He glanced over to look at Finney and Donna "trouble in paradise?" he said looking back at me. I just sighed "Donna always does that around me, its annoying" Bruce put his hand on my shoulder "Hey, you'll be fine. Finney doesn't even like her. The only time they really talk is in Science for there project." "I guess your right.." I looked over at Finney to see him already looking my direction, but not at me, he was looking at Bruce while clenching his jaw. I giggled a little bit before turning back to Bruce and telling him i'm gonna head home.

" So Finn, wanna hangout Friday?" Donna said with a big stupid grin "Don't call me Finn please and no, i don't wanna hangout friday, i'm sorry but I have plans already." "With who?" Donna said crossing her arms "Y/n" Finney said marching passed Donna and went over to Y/n and slid his hangs around her waist. 

"Finn? Wheres Donna at?" I said annoyed. Finney put his head on my shoulder "I don't care for her, you know that" "Yeah yeah whatever, you did good out there today, even though you lost" "Don't remind me!" Finney laughed while playfully punching my shoulder. "Wanna get ice cream?" finney asked "Of course I do!" I said running to my bike, finney trailing behind me "You didn't tell me where were racing!" he yell "I know I didn't, I wanna win dummy!" I yelled back. I then stopped running for a minute before turning around running back to the bleachers. "Where are you going?!" Finney yelled to running after me. 

"I forgot about Gwen!"

I didn't proof read this all the way, so any mistakes you find, just pretend it makes sense 😌

Please Give me Ideas!🙏

Word count:563😘

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