Chapter 6

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Two months later...

Alex's POV

"I cooked something for you, it's on the fridge.
I'm sorry if it's cold. Just microwave it." She said while lying down on the black sofa.

I ignored her and went to the kitchen to drink water. I opened the fridge and I saw that there's a lot of stock foods inside. My fridge became lively when you see it since she came here.
She's always extending her stay so that she can take care of me but I remained cold to her.
She's used to it so I don't care.

I grabbed a bottled of mineral water and drank it. I was about to go upstairs when I saw her still lying down on the sofa. The comforter was wrapped around her. Uh, she's cold. Not surprise because of the weather. I ignored her again and went to the bedroom.

As I entered my room, I opened my phone then I browsed on my Facebook and twitter. Of course the main reason of doing this is to visit Yoselyn's social media accounts. I didn't add her or follow her. She might know that I'm stalking her accounts. After few days of chatting, me and Yoselyn lost our communication. I didn't online for weeks because of my hectic schedule and work. Besides, my so-called-wife is here and I don't want her to catch me having communications with other girls. Not because I'm afraid that she'll get mad or what, it's because she'll report it to my mom. She's my Mom's favorite person after all. And also, I don't want Yoselyn to know that I'm living with someone. Yoselyn knows that I'm single. Yes, I lied.

It's not like a big deal for me tho. I accepted to myself that I'm still a free woman and I always have my freedom after getting married. We're just married in papers and my so called wife were just assuming so much for this marriage.
Maybe I can explain that to Yoselyn but how?
Now that I know she's definitely mad at me. I can sense it.

I haven't approached her in social medias for months so what do I expect? She didn't even bother to chat me too. Maybe she's busy with other man or woman? I don't know. Maybe my feelings for her wasn't that deep but I want to see her. I want to see Yoselyn Pineda again. I'm still hoping, Yose.

I browsed on her twitter then I saw her tweeted a picture with a caption.

Time to open another Yoeda's cafe.

She's still beautiful even when not smiling.
How can be this girl so perfect effortlessly?

"I missed you." I whispered as I flashed a bittersweet smile.

I even stopping every time before going home to the park that we met for the first time. I even ate to the cafe she visited that morning. I'm thinking a lot about her lately and I wanted to stop myself because I know it's wrong. Not because I have a wife already, it's wrong because I'm going crazy. If going to LA, it's not the problem. The problem is that I still have my work here. I used to work in France and in LA for years. It's my first time to go to Barcelona to work. I usually go here for vacation, or somewhere in Spain. That's why I learned their language although the main language here in Barcelona is Catalan Spanish, but generally it's almost the same in usual Spanish.

Back to Yoselyn's Twitter, I keep on scrolling down until I saw her posts a picture with another man with a tweet saying,

"He said that he's going to be the last man standing. Too much confidence won't hell you."
"You should date him. Kkkkk!"
"That's what I'm saying. She really loves it when I'm waiting."
"Not here, you fools! Hahaha"

I stood up from the bed and throw the phone on the floor. Who was that @N.H?! Is he the reason why Yoselyn didn't bother to chat me?!

I slammed the door as I went to the bathroom.
I went straight to the sink and turned on the faucet. I let the water flow and after that, I washed my face to calm me down because I feel like my face heated up. My blood boiled within just a second when I saw her with another man.
Is that the reason why she kept on insisting that we should slow it down?! Fuck it!

I need some alcohol now!

After I wiped my face with the towel, I went outside. I went to the kitchen again and opened the fridge to get the can of beers. I collected them then put them on the table. I opened one and took a big gulp. I can't taste the bitterness of the alcohol inside my mouth.

I drank and drank until I finished a can. I was about to open the other can when I heard something fell from the living room. I quickly ran to see what happened then I saw the woman who's sleeping on the sofa before is now sitting down on the cold floor and a flower vase were broken into pieces beside her. She looks so weak and pale.

"Sofia?! What happened?" I said as I walked towards her. I saw that her palm is bleeding because she's picking up the pieces.
"Shit." I pulled her hand but she forcefully grabbed it and continued what she's doing earlier.

"I was trying to go upstairs but I slipped and my hand hit the vase." She explained weakly.
Her voice is in low tone, like she can't speak properly.

"What the fuck are you doing?! You're bleeding." I said while watching her.

She looked at me and smiled weakly. "You know I'm used to it." The rosiness on her face disappeared, is she sick? She looks like one.

She was about to grabbed a piece again but I pulled her to stand up and her weak body followed. "I said stop." I said in a hard tone of voice.

"I'm dizzy." She said and when she's about to pass out, I grabbed her closer to me. I guided her to sit on the sofa and I looked at her palm.

"We need to go to the hospital. Wait for me there." I stood up but she stopped me by holding my wrist.

"It's just a fever. I just need to take a medicine.
It's on the table in our bedroom." She said so I quickly went to the bedroom to get the medicine. I even took the first aid kit for her hand

I got back and sat beside her. She took the medicine and drank a water. After that, I cleaned the wound on her palm and covered it on bandage.

"I knew it. You have a soft spot for me too, babe." She gave me a weak smile and held my hand. "I'm still hoping that one day, you'll say that you love me more than anything in this world." She smiled even her lips were dry.

I sighed in disbelief. She really never give up. "I told you, I will never love you like you want me to." I whispered and I'm aware that it's enough already to hurt her feelings.

"I'm still hoping for a chance." She whispered back.

I stood up. "There's no chance between us, Sofia! I can give you the love for a best friend but do not expect me to give you the love that you want because we're not meant for each other! I'm sorry but that's all I can give." I said in an irritated and loud voice. I left her without waiting for her answer. Shell just keep insisting that there will be a chance. I know how stubborn Sofia is when it comes to love but I can't tolerate it.

She can provide and gave me everything but I'm not fucking in love with my best friend! I really can't.

Especially now that Yoselyn entered the picture.
I just want to meet her right now!

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