Soulmates? Sure, Why Not?

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Hermione POV

December 21st, 1994

I was walking out of the last class of the day before starting the Winter Holidays when I heard my name being called. Standing on my tiptoes I saw Ginny calling me and waving her arm in the air as she tried to get through everyone that was going in the opposite direction.

"Hey Gin." I said as she made her way to me.

"Hey Mione, are we still on for tonight?" she asked grinning.

"Wait what's tonight?" I asked confused running my schedule through my head and for the life of me couldn't remember what she was talking about.

"It's the Winter Solstice remember. It's the perfect time to do the Ritual we talked about on the train." Ginny explained.

"Crap! I forgot about that! After looking through everything I'm not really sure that I want to do it. If we end up getting caught, we could really end up in trouble or at least I could since I'm a muggleborn." I told her.

"Come on Mione, we won't get caught. I promise. We found the perfect place to do it, there's an abandoned classroom in the West Wing of the castle that can be used. No one ever goes by it so it's the best place." she said giving me her puppy dog eyes.

"Gin, did you read the ritual at all?" I asked incredulously not believing what I'm hearing.

"Of course we did." She said smiling wide.

"If you really had read it all you would remember that the ritual has to take place outside on a lay line." I reminded her shaking my head 'I am definitely not doing this ritual with people around that haven't memorized it or actually read it all the way though' I thought to myself

"Oh, come on Mione you're the one that doesn't event believe that it's going to work, and besides a lot of the Rituals have been adapted to be able to be performed indoors it's not going to hurt anything." she said to me as if I were stupid and should know these things.

"I'm sorry Gin but no. If I were to do it, I'm following the Ritual just like it's supposed to be done. It's been shown that if things aren't one like they should be then bad things can happen. I don't want..." I didn't even get to finish what I was saying before she started waving me off.

"Alright, alright no reason to start lecturing me, if you don't want to do it fine me and the other girls are going to be down there around 8 tonight if you change your mind and want to join us." she said huffing then flouncing away.

'Someone is going to get hurt.' I thought to myself as I turned and made my way to Gryffindor Tower.

After getting to the girls' dorm and putting my things away where they belonged, I pulled the book that had the Ritual & Charm in it.

Soulmate Charm:

Amorascriptus Connecto

ah-moh-rah-scrip-tus co-nec-to

A complex and incredibly rare charm that must be used after partaking in the Amorveritas Ritual. It is believed to have been created by a powerful wizard deeply versed in both love magic and the manipulation of time and space. When cast upon handwritten letters to the soulmate received after the ritual, the spell allows the caster to send and receive to and from their soulmate regardless of time, era, or place they may be, allowing the heartfelt messages to bridge the bounds of time and space in search of one's true soulmate. Curiously, the spell's magic is indifferent to the magical blood status of its participants, weaving through the lives of both muggles and magical folk alike. Due to its unpredictable nature and the use of a ritual the use of Amorascriptus Connecto is heavily regulated and may be considered forbidden in some magical communities.

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