Unexpected Delight!

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Chapter 3:
Unexpected Delight!
Tommy POV

December 22nd ,1915

After being underground for so long it was nice to be above ground breathing fresh air and not crawling or stepping through mud and shit below ground.

"Glad ter be back abaht ground, ay!" Arthur said from his cot on the other side of the trench.

"Ay that's it is Art." I told him laying back on my cot and throwing my arm over my eyes. "Wek me when we yav ter goo back dowl." I told him and John.

"Ay." they mumbled.

It felt like no time at all had passed before I was woken up.

"Ay! Tommy! The post just been through you got a letter." John said, shaking me.

Groaning, I sat up patting myself for my pack of smokes. Finding them I put one in my mouth, lighting it with a match, then throwing the match in the dirt.

"Well, who's it off?" I asked.

"Dunna know, looks loike a lass wiv that handwritin'." Arthur says from over John's shoulder.

"Give it 'ere. Lemme tek a luk." I said with my hand out. Once the envelope was in my hand, I turned it over to look at the front. 'Certainly, a woman with that writin'' I thought to myself.

Thomas Shelby
27 Years Old
Location: France

"Well, yow gonna open it?" John asked.

I didn't respond verbally, only nodded my head.

December 22nd

Dear Thomas,

Hello, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hermione Granger, and I was born in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire to two loving and amazing people. I don't know where exactly you are and what you are doing at this moment, but I do have the notion that you are wondering why it is that you are getting a letter from me of all people. You don't know me, and I don't know you, well let's just say that I got your name off a piece of paper that I by all means should never have received. Times are hard and turbulent right now, everything is so uncertain, but I do know with certainty that things can always be worse than they are. Currently I am at a school for gifted individuals and there is a tournament. This tournament has not been held in years due to the physical, mental and emotional strain that it puts on a person. There are 2 other schools that have arrived here to participate, bringing their best and brightest students. Originally there were only supposed to be 3 champions, one from each school, but this year somehow there was a mistake and my best friend who is under the age limit is now required to participate. It is hard every day waking up and thinking that during one of the tasks that are set my best friend could be hurt or worse die. Why would they bring such a thing back and for children no less, it does not make sense.

Oh bother! I did not intend to blather on about such things, it's just one of the most prominent things going on in my life right now. On another subject though there is a Ball being held on Christmas Day. I have been fortunate enough to be asked as a date to such an event and though I am looking forward to dancing, having fun and building friendships with those from the other schools I am most certainly not looking forward to being in the center of everyone's attention. Having them critique me and judge me does not sound like a good time. Amazingly though I know that I will blow them all away with what I will be wearing, loving it as much as I do, I also know that I am going to feel amazing!

I will start to close my letter here. I would like to thank you for reading this letter in its entirety if you have made it this far. It may not be ideal or something that you were expecting getting a letter from someone in school and I AM of age so no worries there. Thank you for sacrificing your time to read this letter, I hope it was able to give you some reprieve or laughter at my long-winded statements wherever it is that you are.

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