1. Emergency Love

18 3 8


Exploring new Horizons


"No not like that Peaches, you must hold the steering wheel with 2 hands. Yeah, place one foot on the brake. It IS necessary. No don't press the brake. HOW WOULD YOU THINK THE CAR WILL GO THEN?" Kidd sighed for the hundreath time. 

You smiled sheepishily at Kidd who was sitting at the passengers seat, teaching you how to drive racing cars. He didn't use Victoria Punk to teach you cause he wasn't that confident about you not trashing that car.

'Its too precious' thats what he said.

You put on your seatbelt, two hands tightly gripping on the steering wheel and feet where its supposed to be. Kidd, for some reason is wearing a helmet too other than his seatbelt

"Ok, So can I start the car?" You asked with a new found confidence. Kidd nodded lightly, with his new found fear. 

I swear he even actually prayed to god that day. 

Killer was just outside the car, also wearing a helmet. Seriously, whats up with this guys?

And you started the car. 

"No NO DON'T PRESS ON THE ACCELARATOR TO HARD. EVEN I DON'T GO IN THIS SPEED DURING RACES. Peaches honey, Please PRESS THE BRAKE! PRESS THE BRAKE! NO FIRST SLOW DOWN FIRST. OH GOD TURN LEFT, NOT RIGHT. LEFT LEFT. Oh god this is how I die?" Kidd was panicking and almost in the verge of picking you up and running out of the car.

"KITTY THERE IS A FREAKING WALL, WHAT SHOULD I DO?" You spoke as you covered your eyes and face with both your hands.

Yes hands, I didn't make a mistake


Once the car came to a halt, you both released the breath you both didn't realise you guys were holding. 

Panting heavily, you both looked each other, then a small sheepish chuckle broke out from your face. Kidd took off his helmet and ran a hand through his hair, chuckling lightly to your sheepish smile, "I swear peaches, when I said that you'll be the death of me, I wasn't kidding"

You rolled your eyes and let out a chuckle at him, "Driving isn't for me. Fine ok? I won't ask you to teach me this thing again. Promise"

Kidd let out a chuckle, "Peaches, close your eyes."

You raised an eyebrow at his strange question, but did it anyways. You could hear some ruffling of pockets and stuff.

"Now open it"

You slowly opened it and gasped. Kidd was all sweaty and panting, and his hand had

"A FREAKING RING? ARE ARE YOU PROSING TO ME KITTY?" you spoke, panting still. 

"Well, I atleast wanted to see you wearing my ring before we both die from one of your car crashes." Kidd teased. Then he looked at you and cupped your cheek with his normal hand, the metal hand holding the ring box, "So what do you say Peaches?"

"Are you kidding me? YES!" you squealed. A grin of relief broke out from him and he connected his lips to yours. You kissed him back, with the same passion.

You both broke from the kiss, and broke into smiles.

"Well, I never expected a normal proposal from you. But this is just how I wanted. In middle of death, just you and me." I spoke.

A deep chuckle arouse from Kidd as he ruffled your hair despite his protests. 

Well, there begins a new chapter of me, no our lives.






"WHEN DID YOU EVEN GET ENGAGED?" Killer screamed when you showed him the ring.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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