Meeting with the Cullens and Revelations(Edited)

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Paul's POV

When we came back from patrol and say nobody there, at first I panicked. But then I saw the letter on the table and relaxed.

That was 4 hours ago.

Now I'm panicking, they should have been home by now.

The pack and I are all trying to think of where they could be while pacing the kitchen, Emmet is frantic so is Rosalie.

Aria is there sibling, and she's gone. Rose feels awful she was supposed to here but she was running late due to morning sickness, I'm in the middle of reassuring Rose it's not her fault when there's a flash of red and  two thumps in the living room.

We all run in, seeing a tied up Emily in a chair and Aria on her knees next to her. Aria has her head ducked as she holds onto Emily's leg.

Sam immediately runs over to Emily as I do the same to to Aria. She slumps into me, collapsing onto me as I move her to lay on her back with her back resting against my thighs.

"Oh fuck Aria! What the hell happened??" I ask her frantically. I smell leech on her and Emily, her clothes are ripped.

Dear Gods, I hope nothing happened to her...even if it did I'd still love her more than anything but I might be in jail.

Emily lifts her face from where it was buried in Sam's neck, tears streaking her cheeks. "Jacob" is all she says before Aria goes completely limp in my hold.

I growl lowly, lifting Aria up and onto the sofa. "Why does she smell like leech?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Jacob...he turned into one after Aria stripped him of his wolf" Emily says as she turns and sits on Sam's lap.

I growl loudly, stroking Arias temples as I sit set next to her. "He's a leech now? That means they broke the treaty" I say to Sam

He nods, "Jared get my phone, I'm calling them to tell them the treaty is no more"

Jared runs and grabs the phone, I stay sitting with Arias head in my lap.

Sam calls the Cullens, and someone answers immediately.

"Hello?" I hear Carlisle say with a attitude, if it's directed at us we don't know but there's shouting in the other side of the phone.

"Meeting at the treaty line in 20 minutes be there or get off our land" Sam barks down the line before hanging up.

Sam sets Emily down as his body is shaking.

Emily lets out a whimper and reaches for him again, obviously still scared.

I hear Aria start to stir, a groan coming from her. "Shhh little witch don't sit up to fast" I soothe her and help her sit up resting against my chest.

She leans into me, looking up at me with tears in her beautiful eyes. "J-jacob he-" I cut her off "I know princess I know" I say softly and stroke her cheek.

"Aria..did he..." I trail off unable to say the words.

" he tried to but I got us out of there before he could" she whispers and rubs my back to soothe me.

I let out a small laugh, "you just got beaten and you're trying to soothe me, you are amazing princess, I love you" I say and kiss her forehead gently.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but we need to leave for the meeting. Aria, would you like to come?" Sam says softly looking at his sister with anger on his face.

"Yeah...yeah I need to" she says softly, a resolve settling over her face.

"That bastard tried to kick me in the stomach" she growls.

The Packs Witch (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now