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A few weeks later
Lucy:Tim its time to get up you have to be at the DA's office soon
Tim:im up 
Lucy:ill be right there with you
Tim:thank you
Lucy:come on can't be late wouldn't look good
30 minutes later he comes out in a button up and some jeans
Tim:as much as i can be i talked to Wesley he said to meet in the lobby (hes not in the da yet)
They drive to the office and meet Wesley Angela came with him
Wesley:alright let me do the talking if they ask you a question answer without incriminating yourself got it
They walk into the conference room and are met with the DA the other guy that Tim was arrested with and his attorney
DA:ah the last of our group
Wesley:sorry it was my fault i was late and i instructed my client to wait downstairs for me
DA:lets get started shall we
They go through a bunch of legal terms
DA:considering no damages were made to the bar if the two men decide not to press charges on the other the DA is willing to throw out the charges
Tim looks over at Wesley who looks at the other Lawyer who has his client looking at him
He again looks at Wesley who nods
Tim:not pressing charges
OG:me either we were both drunk and being stupid no reason to ruin criminal records
DA:ok then we are done here Charges will be thrown out.
Tim leaves and walks back out to Lucy
Tim:im good no charges
Tim:thank you Wesley
W:no problem try to stay out of trouble
Tim:no promises
They leave and go to the station because Lucy still has to work that day he goes to talk to Grey
Tim:got a few minutes sir
Grey:sure come in
Tim:i just want to say that the DA cleared me so has IA
Grey:can i trust you to be back
Tim:yes sir no more trouble from me
Grey:see ya tomorrow
Tim:thank you
Grey:don't let me down again Tim
Tim:i won't it was a one time momentary lapse in judgment
He walks back out to Lucy and Nyla
Tim:ill be back to work tomorrow
Lucy:thats great
Tim:can't wait its been a long few weeks
Lucy:here take my car pick me up after work so your not stuck here all day
Tim:ok love you
Lucy:love you too

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