Enough already

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CHAPTER 9*                                                                 
"Okay that's perfect", I say grabbing my things from the table. "See ya tomorrow then, good night", I say and pick up my back. Ivan doesn't say anything he is staring at me with his eyebrows slightly raised, then he nods which is almost invisible. "Thank you for everything", I say and get out of his house. I am walking towards my car when tears prick at my eyes once again. I get inside as soon as I can and drop my bag at my passenger seat. I open my phone which has the same password and the same wallpaper and there it is, I finally have a message from my hoodie. I had gotten it when me and Ivan were eating but I wanted to open it in private. After eating me and Ivan were starting to make our final model and I had some pics in gallery, the first pic was of Travis, yeah he is not my hoodie anymore. But what matters was Travis was with someone in that pic and he had sent me that. I open his chat and the first message is, "hey baby, sorry for the trouble but I think it's the best you are too much to handle for me and even though there's no need I am still sending pics of my girlfriend to you, might help in moving on. " I read that 4 times before moving on to the next one. " You know what I am not able to decide who tastes better you or her even though she is the experienced one your innocence used to be a big turn on for me,   I don't know when that changed." Now at this moment I am burning up. My face is all wet with tears and my hands are shaking when I open the pic Travis has sent me. He is naked with a beautiful brown women with ash hair and her tongue is in travis' mouth. I switch off my phone and start the car without replying to him. When I reach at my place I drop my things ferociously on the ground and I can't help it. I am so furious right now. I storm out in my porch and make a fist of my hand and punch the wall with all the strength I have. My tears slide down my cheeks and reach my neck. I punch a second time and I shake while I do it. My hand is shaking and my knuckles have become red. Without caring for anything I punch again and again and again until I am out of breath and my knuckles have blood on them. I shut my eyes and let all the tears fall until I fall to the ground and drown in oblivion

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